Spring microloan applications open

PORT TOWNSEND — The Port Townsend Main Street’s spring microloan program is accepting applications through Wednesday, March 15.

The “Light at the End of the Tunnel” program is a “tool to offset some of the financial impacts businesses in the commercial historic districts endure from emergency situations, through business development proposals,” according to a news release.

Loans may range from $500 to $4,000.

Qualifying criteria include equipment failure, water or fire damage, construction impacts, theft recovery and moving expenses within the city’s historic districts.

Business growth projects will also be considered, but only in deference to emergency projects.

The program is also accepting applications for low-interest loans from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

HUD loans, of to $1,000 to $40,000, may be used for historic preservation, seismic enhancement or safety improvements.

Applications can be accessed online at www.ptmainstreet.org.

Completed applications should be sent to the Main Street Program, 211 Taylor Street, #3, Port Townsend WA 98368.

For more information, call 360-385-7911 or email director@ptmainstreet.org.

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