Andrew May

A GROWING CONCERN: From great soil comes great plants

AS YOU SIT reading this, I am dumping mulch and bark from out of my work pants pockets. Mulching is an annual ritual, performed every… Continue reading

A GROWING CONCERN: Don’t be impatient with certain flowers

ALTHOUGH WE HAVE been hearing about record rains in April these last three weeks, I have been busy working in client’s gardens hearing complaints about… Continue reading

A GROWING CONCERN: Time for grueling, repetitive, annual seasonal service

TODAY’S THE MIDDLE of late early spring, in five days it will be the middle of spring. Haven’t you been enjoying the fragrance of the… Continue reading

A GROWING CONCERN: April prep bears fruit for your garden.

THIS IS NO LATE April Fools’ joke: I am really not a flower guru so much as a soil prep wizard. Your plants can only… Continue reading

A GROWING CONCERN: Amazing innovations for gardening

TODAY WE ARE at the beginning of an extremely hectic, labor-intensive, busy, busy time for all gardeners and horticulturalists as “April showers” will be producing… Continue reading

A GROWING CONCERN: Easter lilies a lasting symbol of the season

being a good old “Northern” Wisconsin boy — find even the worst weather… Continue reading

A GROWING CONCERN: Planting with pizzazz at higher elevations

I WAS IN Safeway this week reflecting on March tasks while talking with April about getting a jump-start on May plantings. April always (and very… Continue reading

A GROWING CONCERN: Garden chores are arriving in full force

TIME JUST KEEPS growing on. It is already March 4, or day four of mid-late winter. Spring is a mere 16 days away, and your… Continue reading

A GROWING CONCERN: Gray of winter great time to think of color

COOL. COLD. DAMP. Normal. Ah yes, things do seem to be evening out to the expected. February has actually returned. It was great to walk… Continue reading

A GROWING CONCERN: Take care of your dusty houseplants

I’VE HEARD FROM some of you that you’re getting a little tired of the long dark days, having been stuck indoors for too long, however… Continue reading

A GROWING CONCERN: The three tenets of pruning

Last week we learned the seven reasons to prune; now we whittle that number further, to the three ever-present tenets of pruning. 1. Have confidence.… Continue reading

A GROWING CONCERN: For many reasons, now is the time to prune

PRUNING. THERE IS no question in my mind that, by far, the best thing that I do horticulturally is pruning. But that is only because… Continue reading

A GROWING CONCERN: Resolve to attend garden extravaganza

A GROWING CONCERN: Resolve to attend garden extravaganza

SO HERE WE are in a new year, with strands of tinsel still clinging to the carpet, empty bottles of champagne in the recycle bin… Continue reading

A GROWING CONCERN: Resolve to attend garden extravaganza

A GROWING CONCERN: Remember the dos and don’ts of winter gardening

BECAUSE WE ALL are going over our lists and checking them twice, I thought I would chime in with a list of my own. As… Continue reading

A GROWING CONCERN: 13 chores to do in December

WHILE IT IS December, it is not winter. There is plenty of fall yard work yet to do. Here are 13 jobs to do during… Continue reading

A GROWING CONCERN: Poinsettias require exact conditions

SO HERE WE are. December. In the last month of the year. As the calendar closes down for this year, and last week’s column about… Continue reading

A GROWING CONCERN: Turn you yard into a neighborhood showcase

SO THE HIGHLAND snow has given way to monsoon rains for days on end, and there seems no end to the leftover turkey. With that… Continue reading

A GROWING CONCERN: Botanical stocking stuffers that are sure to please

THIS WEEK, WE all gather here across the county for Thanksgiving. And here in America, especially on the Olympic Peninsula, we have plenty for which… Continue reading

A GROWING CONCERN: Time to deck out the yard in holiday lights

THE RECENT COLD weather has definitely taken the wind out of the sails on your blooming annuals and dahlias, but by the standards of someone… Continue reading