PORT ANGELES — There will be a work party to pull English ivy from the hillside near the Oak Street pedestrian ramp Saturday, March 16.
The work party will meet at 9 a.m. at the base of the ramp at the intersection of West Second and South Oak streets.
According to a press release, English ivy chokes out native slope-stabilizing plants, damages riparian corridors and can kill trees.
Volunteers should wear heavy soled boot and work gloves and bring hand pruners, limb pruners, hard rakes and tarps.
The Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe’s re-vegetation team will donate its time as well as some native plants species including red flowering currant, mock orange, red elderberry, snowberry and ribes divaricatum.
Peninsula Urban Forestry will lend some equipment and the Lazy J Tree Farm will compost some of the pulled ivy.