PORT ANGELES — The Clallam Marine Resources Committee and its partners will offer three activities during March 2018 — Oil Spill Preparedness Month.
The first is a webinar, “Staying Prepared in an Evolving World of Oil Movement,” from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesday, March 14.
Program manager Dale Jensen and Linda Pilkey-Jarvis, preparedness manager for the state Department of Ecology spills program, will talk about oil transportation in the state.
The online webinar will discuss recent improvements and current challenges Washington state environmental regulators face to keep the state’s oil spill program strong.
Visit the Clallam Marine Resources Committee (MRC) website at www. clallamcountymrc.org to access the link.
On March 24 and 31, the Clallam MRC in partnership with Islands Oil Spill Association will host two free oiled wildlife classes from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Clallam County Fairgrounds, 1608 W. 16th St., Port Angeles.
The first class focuses on search and collection, covering topics such as planning, procedures, initial “beak-to-tail” examination and treatment, health and safety, and effects of oil and secondary complications.
The second class focuses on basic intake and stabilization, covering topics such as health and safety, bird anatomy and family characteristics, effects of oil and secondary complications, and hands-on bird anatomy and basic examination.
To register for one or both classes, visit www. clallamcountymrc.org or call 360-417-2416.