THOSE FINAL HALIBUT dates last weekend? They weren’t so final after all. Halibut quota remaining is enough to ensure marine areas 3-10 will be open… Continue reading
HALIBUT AND CHINOOK limits are possible for anglers fishing in the waters of marine areas 3 (La Push) and 4 (Neah Bay) on Saturday. Yes,… Continue reading
MEET THE NEW boss, hopefully a change for the better from the old boss. Olympia’s Kelly Susewind, who has worked for the state Department of… Continue reading
RIGHT-HANDED PITCHERS whose fastball can’t clock 80 MPH on the radar gun coming out of high school typically aren’t coveted by Major League Baseball organizations.… Continue reading
SOME GOOD NEWS for halibut anglers, the state Department of Fish and Wildlife added three more days to the recreational flattie fishery in marine areas… Continue reading
IN ANOTHER BLOW to recreational fishing, Fisheries and Oceans Canada announced a complete closure of finfish fishing in the Canadian waters of the Strait of… Continue reading
GO AHEAD HALIBUT anglers and pat yourselves on the back. Despite anecdotal evidence pointing toward tough fishing and the lowest reported catch totals in recent… Continue reading
STASH THE SNOOPY fishing rods for a little while, kids. Saturday’s annual Kids Fishing Day at Carrie Blake Park in Sequim has been canceled due… Continue reading
THE EFFORT CERTAINLY wasn’t lacking for halibut anglers off the coast and along the Strait of Juan de Fuca last Friday and Sunday, during the… Continue reading
THE FLATFISH GOLD rush begins Friday, the opening day of halibut season off the coast, along the Strait of Juan de Fuca and in much… Continue reading
LAST SATURDAY’S LOWLAND lake trout opener was held in gray, rainy conditions across much, if not all of western Washington. “One of the common themes… Continue reading
SATURDAY MARKS THE official opening day of lowland lake trout season as hundreds of lakes statewide open for a six-month season. More than 12 million… Continue reading
ALL SEVEN SHRIMP species commonly harvested by sport shrimpers typically undergo a sex change in their life cycles at the bottom of the Puget Sound… Continue reading
LINGCOD SEASON IS underway off La Push and Neah Bay, and while limits didn’t change for these ugly but delicious fish, recreational anglers fishing off… Continue reading
ANGLER, AUTHOR AND guide John Beath of Sequim will present his Top 10 Tactics for Catching Halibut in the Strait of Juan de Fuca at… Continue reading
improperly harvesting animals such as fish, deer, elk or natural resources like timber — is common.… Continue reading
GOOD AND BAD news comes with the release of finalized Pacific Ocean, Strait of Juan de Fuca and Puget Sound salmon seasons by the Pacific… Continue reading
WARM BEVERAGES AND plenty of patience will be sought-after commodities Saturday morning for the annual Kid’s Fishing Derby at the Lincoln Park Ponds in Port… Continue reading
HEADING INTO THE back stretch of North of Falcon, the annual salmon season setting process, anglers should be cautiously optimistic about potential saltwater and Puget… Continue reading
NEW SIMPLIFIED FISHING rules will go into effect throughout Washington in July, highlighted by the repeal of mandatory hatchery steelhead retention, the separation of trout… Continue reading