Second Port Angeles council contest forms

PORT ANGELES — A second contested Port Angeles City Council race surfaced Thursday as candidate filing week for the Nov. 7 general election heads into last-chance territory today for elected office-holder wannabes.

Todd Negus filed his candidacy for the Port Angeles City Council Position 1 seat held by Brad Collins, who is not running for re-election.

Jim Moran filed Monday for the Position 1 slot as that race joined contested Position 2, which has candidates Lee Whetham, the incumbent, and challenger Mike French vying for election.

Fifty candidates had filed for 39 positions on the Nov. 7 ballot as of Thursday in Clallam County.

Candidates can file their declarations of candidacy at the county auditor’s office from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. today at the county courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles.

They also can file online through 4 p.m. today at

Regardless of how they file, candidates must pay filing fees in person or mail the fees to the auditor’s office so they are received by 4:30 p.m. Friday.

Another contested race was created Thursday when Joe Soha and Mike Gilstrap filed the same day for the Forks City Council Position 3 seat held by Bill Brager, who had filed for Position 4.

Forks City Council positions are at-large seats.

Janet Campbell of Clallam Bay also filed Thursday for the Cape Flattery School Board director, District 3 seat held by John Stubbs, who could not be reached for comment Thursday on his electoral intentions.

Donald Grafstrom filed Thursday for re-election to Quillayute Park and Recreation District Position 1.

Any position for which three or more candidates file will go to the Aug. 1 primary election, with the top two vote-getters advancing to the general election.

As of Thursday, only one race fit that category: the Clallam County Fire District 2 Position 1 seat held by Tom Martin.

Allen Hunt, Nick Gear, Patricia Reifenstahl and Martin have filed for the seat.

There are four positions each up for election on the seven-seat Port Angeles, Sequim and Forks city councils and two up for election on the countywide Port of Port Angeles board of commissioners.

There also are multiple positions open on Forks-area Hospital District 1 board of commissioners, the Cape Flattery and Quillayute Valley school district boards, and the Clallam County Fire Districts 1-6 and county Park and Recreation District 1 boards of commissioners.

Seats also are up for election on the West End-area Quillayute Park and Recreation District board and the Sequim-area Sunland Water District board.

The list of offices open for election and current office holders is available at

A listing of candidates who have filed for the election through Wednesday is at


Senior Staff Writer Paul Gottlieb can be reached at 360-452-2345, ext. 55650, or at