
Olympic National Park open amid shutdown, but visitors mostly on their own

Olympic National Park open amid shutdown, but visitors mostly on their own

Visitors to Olympic National Park will be largely on their own during the shutdown of the federal government, although Hurricane Ridge Road… Continue reading

Olympic National Park open amid shutdown, but visitors mostly on their own

State capital budget misses deadline for affordable housing projects

The state Legislature’s passage of a capital budget Thursday was a day late for affordable housing… Continue reading

Tharinger looks at problems coming down the road

Tharinger looks at problems coming down the road

State 24th District Rep. Steve Tharinger, D-Sequim, breathed a sigh of relief Friday following the passage of the capital budget Thursday but said… Continue reading

Tharinger looks at problems coming down the road

State bills allowing same-day voter registration, local redistricting move ahead

The state Senate passed several bills aimed at expanding access to voting and promoting minority representation… Continue reading

Hirst fix bill, which cleared path for capital budget, detailed

Passage of a water-use bill authored by Sen. Kevin Van De Wege of Sequim cleared the… Continue reading

  • Jan 21, 2018
  • By Alex Visser WNPA Olympia News Bureau
McEntire to run against Tharinger for state rep seat

McEntire to run against Tharinger for state rep seat

Jim McEntire has heeded the call of the state House Republican Caucus. He’s running for office again. McEntire, a former Republican Clallam County… Continue reading

McEntire to run against Tharinger for state rep seat

Senate Democrats push safety for sanitation workers

Legislation aimed at protecting the state’s sanitation workers has been introduced. On Martin Luther King Jr.… Continue reading

LGBTQ bills advance in the Senate

Two LGBTQ rights bills have passed the Senate Health and Long Term Care Committee. The bills… Continue reading

Senate committee passes bump stock bill after well-attended hearing on gun measures

A couple who survived last year’s mass shooting in Las Vegas were among those who asked… Continue reading

Legislature takes step toward resolving capital budget issue

The state’s elusive capital budget has been brought closer to realization now that a Senate committee… Continue reading

Governor rolls out carbon tax proposal; Republicans balk

Gov. Jay Inslee’s proposal to tax carbon emissions across the state would be expected to generate… Continue reading

Peninsula’s state, federal reps eye coming election

Peninsula’s state, federal reps eye coming election

The 24th District’s two state representatives and the region’s 6th District congressman — all Democrats — are well on their way to… Continue reading

Peninsula’s state, federal reps eye coming election

Health, environmental threats focus of legislative efforts for state senator

State Sen. Kevin Van De Wege reports that three of the things he’s working on in the Legislature’s new term involve “serious threats… Continue reading

Lawmakers say DISCLOSE Act would bring campaign donations out of the shadows

A proposed Senate bill and its companion in the House could provide Washington citizens greater transparency… Continue reading

Gun rights activists call for a halt to five firearm bills at state Capitol

Gun rights activists call for a halt to five firearm bills at state Capitol

About 100 gun rights supporters rallied on the steps of the Capitol building in Olympia on… Continue reading

  • Jan 14, 2018
  • By Taylor McAvoy WNPA Olympia News Bureau
Gun rights activists call for a halt to five firearm bills at state Capitol
State lawmakers return to Capitol amid protests

State lawmakers return to Capitol amid protests

Washington lawmakers returned to the Capitol on Monday for a 60-day legislative session, tasked with passing… Continue reading

State lawmakers return to Capitol amid protests

McCleary funding, capital budget still the focus for state Legislature

An unfinished capital budget, more education funding to satisfy the Supreme Court’s McCleary decision and a tussle over water rights — all left… Continue reading

State lawmakers to again consider eliminating capital punishment

A bill to be introduced this session would eliminate the death penalty in Washington state and… Continue reading

Clallam County incumbents look ahead to upcoming election

Most of Clallam County’s elected officials said in recent interviews that they are mulling running for re-election to their positions. After all,… Continue reading

Jefferson County incumbents look ahead to upcoming election

Jefferson County’s elected officials said in recent interviews that they are mulling running for re-election to their positions. After all, the May… Continue reading