LETTER: Status quo in politics is unsustainable

We need to elect people who will actually make a difference in our lives.

I want to thank Democratic National Convention delegate Linda Sutton for her Aug. 30 letter making a compelling argument for changing the status quo in Olympia.

As she noted, “It has been four years since the [school funding] decision was handed down, and our state Legislature still has not adequately complied…”

Jay Inslee, governor those four years, has not once proposed a budget that appropriately addressed school funding, or even a budget his own party would consider.

Not once in those four years has the Legislature completed its duties on time. The budget has been ignored until the closing days of the regular session.

Special sessions, which used to be rare, have become standard. Even after three special sessions in a single year, the legislators did nothing more than kick the can down the road, collect overtime pay and congratulate themselves.

Meanwhile, the state Supreme Court has ruled with arrogance and illogic time and again. Now three incumbent justices whine at having qualified people challenge them in a democratic election.

Nothing will improve if we rehire, recycle and promote the same failed leadership.

Fortunately, we voters can elect people who will focus on fixing the state’s fiscal issues, not partisan agendas: Bill Bryant for governor, Danille Turissini for 24th District senator, John Alger for 24th District representative, Position 2.

As for state Supreme Court justices, instead of re-electing politicians, elect competent jurists: Dave Larson, Greg Zempel and David DeWolf.

Martha McKeeth Ireland,


Ireland is a former Clallam County Commissioner, 1996-99.

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