This letter is in response to the August 17 letter to Peninsula Voices, titled “Jet Noise.”
Let’s take the letter writer’s request further.
The Navy is not the only branch of the military to make noise in this state.
We have the Air Force, Army and Coast Guard doing all sorts of noise-related things.
Let’s get rid of all of them.
And I’ll bet they make noise in other states as well.
We should run these military organizations and the Marines out of all of our states.
Maybe the Russians, Chinese, Iranians or North Korean militaries won’t make so much noise.
It is letters like this that indicate just how many of our citizens do not have a clue who pays for our freedom every day.
These young men and women put their lives on the line for us and our allies, and it is our responsibility to support them, not try to run them out of our state.
Just remember, our military support your freedom to write such a letter.
It was people like you who spit on me when I came home from Vietnam.
Robert E. Travis,