Letter: Backs French

  • Monday, October 24, 2022 1:30am
  • Opinion

For the first time since 2015, all county voters can vote for Clallam County District 3 commissioner.

If you are surprised to find this on your ballot, this is why:

Historically, the voters in a commissioner district decided which candidates would be on the general election ballot and then be voted on county wide.

In 2015, the voters amended the county charter to limit election of county commissioners to district voters only. In our state, it was a unique method of voting.

During the next five years, all three commissioners were elected by only a small percentage of Clallam voters.

One received only 13 percent of all Clallam County votes.

Since a county commissioner’s role is to make decisions that affect everyone, voters approved a charter amendment in 2020 to return to general election countywide.

Now, once again, everyone has a voice in electing all three county commissioners.

I urge you to take this opportunity to vote for Mike French for Clallam County commissioner.

As a small business owner, Mike knows the connection between affordable housing and finding employees.

He has taken positive action to increase housing.

When the county commissioners acted to help with affordable housing, Mike’s opponent was in Olympia and didn’t bother to phone in his vote.

Mike is committed to making our community better.

Check out the voters guide to see his long list of community involvement versus his opponent’s community service listed as “no information submitted.”

Vote Mike French for county commissioner.

Norma Turner

Port Angeles

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