SEQUIM — The two-year, $5.44 million Sequim School District maintenance and operations levy won’t pass, but the margin of defeat isn’t going to be as large as it was when first votes were counted Tuesday night.
Clallam County election officials counted 1,828 ballots in the mail-in election on Friday with 1,179 voters, or 64.4 percent approving of the levy. There were 649 no votes in Friday’s counting or 35.6 percent.
Even though Friday’s results were well above the 60 percent supermajority needed to pass school levies, it wasn’t enough to push the total vote count past that marker.
Overall there are 6,398 yes votes, 57.16 percent, and 4,734 no votes, 42.84 percent, in the levy voting.
Those numbers include the Gardiner area in Jefferson County where voters cast 76 yes votes, 59.37 percent, and 52 no votes, 40.63 percent.
The election will be certified Friday. There still could be a small number of ballots to be counted at that time.
The rest of the story appears in Sunday’s Peninsula Daily News.