PORT ANGELES — Port of Port Angeles commissioners approved a contract for Phase 2 construction of the Maritime Trade Center on the site of the former Peninsula Plywood site.
The contract was awarded at the port commissioners’ April 9 meeting.
Interwest Construction’s bid of $8.182 million was lower than those submitted by Bruch & Bruch Construction and Redpoint Contracting. DelHur Industries was the apparent low bidder, but some of its bid documents did not meet the submittal requirements.
The scope of work involves installation of water, sewer, power, stormwater and communication utilities, grading and asphalt and concrete paving throughout the 18-acre site.
The $10.2 million project is being funded with a U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration grant of $6.7 million and $3.4 million in port funds.
Commissioners also approved a funding and participation agreement with Merrill and Ring and Owens Corning to share the cost of a remedial investigation of the port’s log yard to determine what, if any, cleanup of contamination may be needed due to its previous use as a site for lumber, pulp and boxboard and Fibreboard production. The state Department of Ecology determined that the three are liable parties because of their current and past ownership or operations at the site.
The port, Merrill and Ring and Owens Corning will each contribute $400,000 toward the estimated $1.2 million cost of the remedial investigation being conducted by Floyd|Snider, an environment consulting firm in Seattle.
Port of Port Angeles Executive Director Paul Jarkiewicz reported that Life Flight Network had renewed its lease for another year at William R. Fairchild Airport for $6,240.59 a month.
Jarkiewicz also congratulated Commissioner Connie Beauvais on receiving the American Forest Resource Council’s Tillicum Award for her role as a leader in advocating for forestry and rural timber communities.
Reporter Paula Hunt can be reached by email at paula.hunt@peninsuladailynews.com.