PORT ANGELES — The city’s Community Multicultural Task Force meets for the first time in almost a year on Wednesday.
The meeting, open to the public, begins at 4 p.m. in the City Council Caucus Room next to City Manager Mike Quinn’s office at City Hall, 321 E. Fifth St.
The committee, which serves as an advisory group to the City Council, will hear a “state of the community” report from Police Chief Tom Riepe; “state of the local school district” report from schools Superintendent Gary Cohn; and “individual observations and comments” from members of the task force.
The 17-member task force is chaired by Mayor Robert Headrick.
The group meets as events warrant and last met on Nov. 13, 2003.
Earlier in 2003, the task force created an Equality Pledge poster as part of its efforts to foster understanding across all racial and cultural groups in Clallam County.
The Equality Pledge — with a letter of explanation from then-Port Angeles Mayor Glenn Wiggins — was distributed countywide by the Peninsula Daily News to businesses and residents.
There was space on the poster below the pledge for a business’ employees to sign it.
The goal was “raise the level of awareness of the issue, in your own personal life and the life of our community,” said Wiggins as the poster was distributed.