PORT ANGELES — A sinkhole on Front Street above the Red Lion Hotel, which has been cursed by bicyclists for years, is no more.
White wands along the road shoulder had marked off the area where the hillside was either sliding or sinking, taking the asphalt with it.
Parking was prohibited, and bicyclists were forced to maneuver around the wands into traffic along the busy street.
The project to repair about 240 feet of the road began in early June with state Department of Transportation workers using plastic foam blocks — 10 feet to 20 feet long, two feet wide and a foot tall — to replace the fill underneath the road, taking weight off the sinking hillside underneath the sidewalk.
The blocks remained, covered with soil and marked off with safety cones, until city workers could repave the road and replace the concrete sidewalk with a lighter asphalt sidewalk this past week.
The low cost solution — estimated at about $15,000 — should take care of what has been a long-running issue between the city and state Department of Transportation.