NEWS BRIEFS: Hurricane Ridge Road … and other items

OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK — Hurricane Ridge Road is closed today but will be open Saturday and Sunday, weather permitting.

Today’s closure is because of unforeseen staffing limitations, according to Barb Maynes, Olympic National Park spokeswoman.

Seven to 10 staff members and volunteers are needed to provide road maintenance, law enforcement, emergency response and visitor services on Fridays at Hurricane Ridge, Maynes said.

The Hurricane Ridge Road is scheduled to be open, if the weather cooperates, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Monday holidays throughout the winter months.

Former Olympic Peninsula students named to university’s fall honor roll

ELLENSBERG — Several former Olympic Peninsula students were named to the Central Washington University fall honor roll.

Undergraduate students who earn a 3.5 or better grade point average on a 4.0 scale while carrying at least 12 graded credit hours of study are eligible for the honor roll.

The local students are:

• Forks: Jessica Louise Kenney and Garrick Anthony Brandt.

• Nordland: Eric William Hatz.

• Port Angeles: Kiah Nicole Jones, Jeff Crumb, Luke Ramsey and John David Garrison.

• Port Hadlock: Shelby Lyn MacDonald, Alina Preston and Alyssa Mae Salangsang-Hamilton.

• Port Townsend: Mitiku Little, Emma Brigid Lewis, Eammon Thomas Clark and Jessica Ruth Ried.

• Quilcene: Megan MacKenzie Weller and Samantha Nicole Rae.

• Sequim: Marissa Gasper and Amanda Nicole Musselman.

Applications for Feiro scholarship due by Jan. 15

PORT ANGELES — Feiro Marine Life Center has opened applications on The Wash Board website for a $750 scholarship to support a Clallam County senior planning to attend higher education in 2017-2018.

This scholarship is made possible by private donations to the Feiro Family Scholarship fund — started in honor of Art Feiro, one of the founders of the center and a beloved educator and coach in Port Angeles.

The first Feiro Family Scholarship was awarded in 2016 to Elliott Soelter of Port Angeles High School.

Soelter’s application connected his interest in studying engineering to his interest in marine life and his annual participation in beach cleanups for many years with his family.

The goal of the scholarship is to support students who have an interest in connecting the center’s mission to their future study — whether that be studying engineering, marine biology, finance, nursing or another career.

This scholarship is open to any high school senior in Clallam County, with no income restrictions.

Applications must be submitted at by Jan. 15.

The scholarship winner will be presented with the award at the annual Fish on the Fence gala on Saturday, Feb. 11, sponsored in part by Ruddell Auto and Platt-Irwin Law Firm.

Tickets are now also on sale for the gala at

State ferry department art contest

Washington state students in sixth through eighth grades have an opportunity to have their artwork on upcoming spring ferry schedules.

The state Department of Transportation’s Ferries Division is now accepting submissions for its spring drawing contest until mid-January.

The theme for the contest is “Ferries + Puget Sound Wildlife,” and entries must be original works of art.

“We’ve printed ferry schedules for over 60 years, but before last year, we never involved our

customers quite like this,” said Washington State

Ferries (WSF) Service Planning Manager Lisa Ballard.

“We love the creativity our younger customers showed, and are excited to make local cover art a ferries tradition for even more young artists.”

The winning drawing will be featured on the cover of 600,000 spring sailing schedules this year.

Those schedules will be distributed aboard the 22 ferries in the system, inside each of the 10 terminals and throughout communities in the region.

The winner and five finalists also will be featured on the WSF website, WSF Twitter and in WSF Weekly Update newsletter.

Drawings will be accepted online via Survey Monkey or mail through Wednesday, Jan. 18.

A complete list of submission requirements can be found on the WSDOT blog at

Funds donated

BELLINGHAM — First Federal Community Foundation has awarded a grant for $25,000 to Lydia Place for the purpose of supporting the Strengthening Families, Building Futures Campaign.

The Strengthening Families, Building Futures Campaign will equip Lydia Place with the physical space and tools necessary to deliver services to homeless children and their families, and to continue to expand programs and services to reach additional families in need.

The Lydia Place campaign is centered on the needs of its community’s most vulnerable children.

Lydia Place is expanding rapidly in response to the worsening state of homelessness in Whatcom County.

For more information, phone Shultzie Willows at 360-671-7663 or email

Students named to president’s honor roll list

PORT ANGELES — Peninsula College has announced the names of students who made the president’s list and the honor roll for the 2016 fall quarter.

To qualify for the president’s list, a student must be enrolled for at least 12 quarter hours of credit in courses numbered 100 or above, receive no incompletes and earn a college grade point average for the quarter of not less than 3.90.

Honor roll requirements are the same, except for a college grade point average of not less than 3.60.

President’s list:

Nur Izzati Ab-Rahman, Nur Insyira Abd-Rashid, Nur Fatin Abdul-Rahim, Nur Kamilia Abdul-Rani, Brandi Adamich, Nicole S. Anders, Christine R. Arriola, Brittany D. Baker, Audrey L. Barham, Alicia L. Beck, Aline Becker-Carneiro, Sarah A. Bidne, John D. Binando, Maria T. Binando, Daniel Blizzard, Timothy P. Boyle, Stephen Tate Braden, Curtis E. Bradley, Anthony D. Braun, Richard Bushnell, Cuong Ngoc Cao, Bailey K. Casad, Hoi Kiu Chan, Yick Lung Gavin Cheng, Devanee J. Cipriano, Elaine E. Cochran, Timothy C. Cole, Nicole L. Criel, Channing W. Davis, Jenna R. Davis, Anthony D. De-Leon, Kathleen M. Delgado, Supacha Denprasertsuk, Segopotso E. Eaton, Sophia C. Eisenbeisz, Andrew S. Elam, Kayleigh A. Fosdick, Sheila B. Fullingim, Asher I. Gale, Autumn V. Gale, Mindy Rashel Garcia, Natalie K. Garling, Haylen A. Gerhard, Mckenzie D. Ginther, Seng Jhing Goh, Kristopher M. Gonyo, Bryan C. Gorr, Kimberly A. Graham, David Haas, Jason Hansch, Lu-Thu R. Hardin, Chloe J. Hatfield, Jensen N. Heike, Jacob R. Higbee, Clara S. Hill, Zion D. Hilliker, Tu Ngoc Lisa Hoang, Connor E. Holm, Savannah E. Hopper, Ryan E. Howard, Zhuohan Huang, Danae M. Johnson, Peter J. Karpew-Jr, Ruth E. Katz, Cindy Anne Kelly, Laura M. Keri and Monica G. Kim.

Also, Chi Hong Kwok, Bridget B. Lachner, Karinn A. Larsen, August B. Larue, Wing Chun Nicole Lau, Tuan Anh Le, Nathan Leyba, Sharla L. Libera, Tze-Yu Lin, Ming Chi Liu, Charles Lloyd, Sarai Lopez, Travis A. Lorentzen, Jianben Luo, Valisa C. Lynch, Antonia A. Matheny, Forrest Maynock, Colton D. Mcguffey, James R. Mckay, Samantha T. Metcalf, Nurulain Mohd-Salleh, Jazmina Mohd-Sopian, Nur Ain Sha Mohd-Yasim, Sabrina A. Mudd, Coltan M. Newton, Cheuk Wun Ng, Anna J. Nivens, Palonia B. Olson, Bryce L. Osteen, Taylor E. Parker, Douglas Peterson, Anna L. Potter, Nur Farah Irdina Rajdi, Wesleyanne A. Rayment, Grant M. Ritter, Lily G. Robertson, Sierra A. Robinson, Nicholas J. Roby, Brian R. Roe, Cecil Sablan, Marco E. Salguero, Michael D. Salyer, Lisa A. Sedgwick, Judith Sinclair, Bonnie A. Sires, Eleanor K. Small, Charles Sorensen, Nathan M. Spears, Cynthia A. Spencer, Julie M. Stepp, Jay C. Stewart, Patrick F. Stone, Jeremy Susilo, Thomas G. Sweemer, Chun W. Tan, Linh Gia Tat and Brenda R. Taylor.

Also, Andrew G. Thomas, Ian K. Tucker, Garrett A. Uhlenkott, Abigail E. Van-Hoogen, Cicely C. Warnick, Madalyn J. Warren, Hodge P. Wasson, Ruicong Wei, Jazz A. Weller, Kennady A. Whitehead, Hendry Widyanto, Michelle L. Williams, Aileen Winstin, Kailee I. Wise, Marissa Wonderly, Seth A. Wonderly, Nicole L. Woody, Weiming Xu, Man Ho Bryan Yau, Aubree M. Young and Runquan Zhao.

Honor roll:

Paul D. Ainsworth, Andrea J. Albaugh, Mikhail Alfredo, Yohana Alverina, Georgia Anderson, Kenneth R. Anderson, Weng Ian Ao-Ieong, Tonia M. Appeldoorn, Lance Arnold, Rylie A. Ashley-Morgan, Cassandra N. Bailey, Nicolas J. Baird, Jason S. Barnett, Laci R. Batchelor, Taylor J. Beebe, Mckenna A. Bell-Duffy, Beau M. Bernsten, Nicole Beverford, Hannah L. Black, Janna D. Black, Mical Blanchard-Wright, Justin M. Bonanno, Erica Bower, Alice E. Bradford, Brooks F. Brannan, Amelia G. Breithaupt, Chloe M. Brown, Christian J. Brown, Kylee J. Butler, Joseph S. Calodich, Glenn A. Carney, Vail J. Case, Benjamin S. Catterson, Riley J. Chase, Vee Zen Chong, Leslie Cisneros, Joshua W. Cleveland, Ryan D. Coburn, Alexandra R. Coleman, Charles C. Collet, Faithlynn G. Corey, Ashley K. Crear, Scott Crookshanks, Rosemary A. Dandrea, Linh Khanh Do, Lauren N. Droz, Jaden A. Dugger, Gabriel L. Eide, Brad S. Elmer, Bruce A. Erlwein, Lisandr Ferrari-Sandia, Alana N. Fiske, Rene Flores, Kyle S. Flotto-Myers, Emily S. Fosnes, Brandon W. Fulmer, Emily G. Funston, Mary L. Ganzhorn, Caesar Garner, Torie L. Garrett, Ben D. Gastfield, Anne E. Gibbs, Kevin J. Gleason, Simone V. Graham, Alyssa N. Hamrick and Andrew Hansted.

Also, Fairuz Hidayah Hasnan, Michael K. Hau, Malia P. Henderson, Danielle M. Hendrickson, Rive Heuberger-Yearian, Jill E. Heustis, William Hicks, Nicole Y. Higby, Wing Lam Ho, Ariel K. Hodge, Nicholas R. Hoffman, Brian T. Holmes, Elizabeth C. Hornsey, Eve M. Hudson, Gracelyn N. Hurdlow, Jasmine L. Iliff, Brianna K. Jackson, James L. Jackson, Sharon L. Jacobson, Jillian E. Jenkins, Muhammad Irfan Johari, Leonardus Jordhi, Andrew D. Katz, David R. Kays, Bryce C. Kell, Jacob S. Kennedy, Kelly R. Kevershan, Hana M. Kildall, Shelby M. Kluver, Ashley M. Knight, Victoria L. Kuch, Amber A. Lacey, Marina Rose Lassila, Levi P. Laungayan, Alisa M. Lawrence, Chuo-Yen Lee, Matthew W. Lee, Brittany R. Lin, Ka King Martin Lin, Genevieve M. Litle, Jonathan Maciejewski, Evan Manering-Bashaw, Diane C. Martin, Kennedy N. Mason, Savannah E. Mason, Geovany Mateo-Miguel, Deanna R. Mccomas, Abbi M. Mckann, Noemi Mendez, Michael L. Miller, Mohd Ilham Mohd-Rozie, Alejandro Montanez, Amanda L. Murphy, Marley M. Music, Paige Napiontek-Sanders, Sing Ng Ngai, Bich Hoai Thi Nguyen, Duc Hai Nguyen, Truc Thanh Nguyen, Chih Tsung Ong, Michael I. Osuna, Jakob Parr, Marriah S. Perez, Reynaldo Perez, Christian M. Perkins and Rylee B. Phillips.

Also, Sarah R. Pierce, Mathew Poser, Catherine O. Powers, Nichole M. Priest, Jacob J. Quam, Cole J. Rabedeaux, Kaitlin R. Rowley, Saiful Nizam Salim, Crystal M. Sanders, Jaime L. Sanders, Sierra R. Saxe, Jonathan M. Schenefeld, Tara L. Shay, Mackenzie D. Simpson, Sahil K. Singh, Emelie E. Small, Kaitlin A. Smith, Quinn R. Smith, Mary M. Soha, Ronald L. Staggs, Janelle-Rose Stevenson, Ziluo Su, Yi Sun, April A. Taitano, Cassidy S. Tamburro, Xufeng Tan, Emily P. Taylor, Jaycee Thompson-Porrazzo, Chelsea Tiffany, Stephen M. Torres, Emily D. Turnbull, Bracey K. Ulin, Amber M. Valdez, Jared B. Van Blair, Heidi E. Vereide, Caitlyn Voyles, Emily J. Wallner, Elizabeth J. Watkins, Stephanie J. Watts, Curtis L. Welcker, Rae A. Well, Lok Yi Woo, Yasmine Qian Yi Yeow, Ye Jien Yeow, Kristopher C. Young, Todd J. Young and Sara O. Zarit.

Epiphany Tea time slated for today

SEQUIM — St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 525 N. Sequim Ave. will host the 2017 Epiphany Tea today at 1 p.m.

The celebration begins with a short liturgy or worship service in the church.

Following the prayers and singing of hymns, tea will be served in the parish hall.

The Feast of Epiphany is often known as Three Kings’ Day.

In western Christianity, it commemorates the visit of the Magi, the kings, to the Christ Child.

Tradition says these wise men were named Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar, and that they brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh for the new baby.

Gifts for a new baby will be blessed and distributed to the Sequim Food Bank.

Diapers and baby food are accepted.

For more information, phone 360-683-4862.

Unity in Olympics

PORT ANGELES — Unity in the Olympics’ 10:30 a.m. worship service guest speaker will be Marilyn Eash this Sunday,

Her lesson is titled, “Interfaith: Creating Community with Courage and Compassion.”

“Now, more than ever, we need the power of spirit working through us to manifest the changes we wish to see in our community,” Eash said.

Eash is the co-founder of the Interfaith Community of Clallam County and is a retired master level holistic mental health therapist who specialized in transforming the impacts of trauma.

A time for silent meditation is held from 10 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. for those who wish to participate.

Child care is available during the service.

Church speaker

PORT HADLOCK — Daniel Nessim, a representative of Chosen People Ministries, will be speaking at Irondale Church, 681 Irondale Road on Sunday during the 10:30 a.m. worship service.

This meeting is open to the public.

Messy Church

PORT ANGELES — Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 301 E. Lopez Ave., will host Messy Church in its Fellowship Hall on Wednesday from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Messy Church is an intergenerational worship experience with devotions, a common meal and sometimes messy activities.

All families are

welcome to come to Messy Church and participate in activities centered in the scripture, “Wise men from the East came to Jerusalem asking: ‘Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews?’ ” Matt 2:1-2.

Caregiver class

SEQUIM — “Powerful Tools for Caregivers,” a class that helps those who care for a loved one also take care of themselves, will start Jan. 24 at Trinity United Methodist Church, 100 S. Blake Ave.

The class will meet from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on six Tuesdays, ending Feb. 28.

The only cost is $30 for the textbook.

Topics include how the caregiver can reduce personal stress, deal with emotions, solve problems, communicate effectively with other family members, make difficult decisions and use community services.

The class does not focus on hands-on care for the care receiver.

Pre-registration is required and may be done by contacting class leaders Judy Croonquist, at 360-582-1370 or Barbara Parse at 360-683-2113.

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Coho returns

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