PORT ANGELES — Soroptimist International of Port Angeles will host a candidate forum at its weekly luncheon at noon Friday, featuring candidates for Hospital District 2, positions 1 and 2 and Port Angeles School District position 3.
The public is welcome at the forum at Joshua’s Restaurant, 113 S. Del Guzzi Drive.
Voters will have the opportunity to hear candidates discuss their positions.
Anne Marie Henninger, candidate for Hospital District 2, position 1; Jean Hordyk, candidate for Hospital District 2, position 2; and Arwen Rice, candidate for Port Angeles School District, position 3 have confirmed their attendance at the forum, according to organizers.
The organizers say that they have not received a response from Nate Adkisson, candidate for Hospital District 2, position 1; Ted Bowen, candidate for Hospital District 2, position 2; or Katie Marks, candidate for Port Angeles School District, position 3.
The club is non-partisan and does not support or opposes any party or candidate, according to a press release.
Those interested are asked to RSVP by emailing online@lwas.us.
Lunch is available for purchase and a minimum charge of $4 will be charged for beverages at the venue.