The Housing Authority of Clallam County has received a $94,170 federal grant to continue funding two case management positions.
The U.S. Housing and Urban Development provides ongoing funding for the positions, said Pam Teitz, executive director of the housing authority. “We reapply every year.”
The funding is for coordinators who link low-income families to education and job training personnel.
The coordinators at the agency at 2603 S. Francis St. have been with the housing authority “for a number of years,” Teitz said.
The grant was among 31 totaling $3,598,297 to public housing agencies in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington state, HUD announced last week.
The Housing Choice Voucher Family Self-Sufficiency grants enable public housing agencies to work with welfare agencies, schools, businesses and other local agencies to develop a comprehensive program to help people participating in HUD’s Housing Choice Voucher rental assistance program to increase or gain marketable skills.
“This program is absolutely critical in today’s economy,” said HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan.
“The research demonstrates that this program works. When families are given the tools they need to move beyond the voucher program, they do.
“Ultimately, they become self-sufficient, and more vouchers become available for other families, some who have been waiting for long periods to receive housing assistance.”