EYE ON THE PENINSULA: County boards view public safety facility in Clallam, trust lands in Jefferson

Government meetings across the North Olympic Peninsula

The boards of local government agencies will meet next week on the North Olympic Peninsula.

Clallam County

The three Clallam County commissioners will hear an update from Undersheriff and Emergency Management Manager Ron Cameron on the Joint Public Safety Facility on Monday and conduct public hearings on debatable emergencies on Tuesday.

The commissioners’ work session at 9 a.m. Monday will preview items set for action at their formal meeting, which starts at 10 a.m. Tuesday.

The commissioners also will meet in executive session at 8 a.m. Tuesday to review qualifications of three finalists for the Clallam County administrator position.

The hybrid meetings are in the county commissioners meeting room in the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles.

The meetings can be viewed online at https://www.clallamcountywa.gov/669/Live-Archived-Meetings-Online.

To participate via Zoom video, visit https://zoom.us/j/875561784.

To listen only, call 253-2125-8782 then enter meeting ID 875 561 7844 and passcode 12345.

Agenda items include:

• Recognizing June 27 as Korean War Remembrance Day

• An update on U.S. Highway 101 construction from the state Department of Transportation.

• Discussion regarding the formation of an energy futures steering committee in conjunction with the North Olympic Development Council and Clallam County Public Utility District.

• A presentation from Cameron on the results of the Power for a Resilient Fairchild Airport Microgrid Feasibility Study.

• An update from Danielle Carson on the Washington State University Clallam County Extension’s community health and food access programs.

• An agreement with the Washington Water Trust for a $261,000 streamflow restoration grant from the state Department of Ecology for work on the Dungeness off-channel reservoir project.

• A review of the first quarter income report from the state Department of Natural Resources.

• A call for a public hearing at 10 a.m. Tuesday, July 18 regarding the mid-year review of the county’s 2023 budget.

• Resolutions appointing several new members to various volunteer boards and commissions.

• An agreement with the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe for $330,000 to improve fish habitat in the lower Dungeness floodplain.

• An agreement with Sound Law Center for hearing examiner and code enforcement services.

• A purchase order for $224,325 to purchase body worn cameras from Axon Enterprises, Inc.

The meeting agendas are posted at https://www.clallamcountywa.gov/AgendaCenter.

Public comment may be sent to agores@co.clallam.wa.us.

Marine Resources

The Clallam County Marine Resources Committee will meet at 5:30 p.m. Monday.

The hybrid meeting will be in room 160 of the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St. Port Angeles.

To join the meeting online, visit https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83145251701?pwd=MTM1MmxrdUtHVWtyL1RNbk9MSXBWdz09.

Jefferson County

The three Jefferson County commissioners will discuss their response to a June 7 letter from Commissioner of Public Lands Hillary Franz concerning developing a strategy for how the state Department of Natural Resources manages county trust lands when they meet at 9 a.m. Monday.

The hybrid meeting is at the commissioners chambers in the Jefferson County Courthouse, 1820 Jefferson Street, Port Townsend.

To view the meeting live go to www.co.jefferson.wa.us and follow the links under “Quick Links: Videos of Meetings-Streaming Live.”

To join the meeting online go to https://zoom.us/j/93777841705.

To listen only call 1-253-215-8782 and enter access code 937-7784-1705#.

Public comments emailed to jeffbocc@co.jefferson.wa.us will be included in the minutes, but no longer read aloud during the meeting; comments may still be made via Zoom or telephone.

The commissioners also will conduct a public hearing regarding solid waste fees, hear a report on first quarter earnings from the Department of Natural Resources, conduct a workshop to discuss pickleball courts, hear an update on the 4-H program, consider allocating $40,000 in housing funds to Olympic Community Action Program and hear an update on the regional small farms and food access programs.

Items on the consent agenda include a call for bids for the road departure reduction project, an agreement with the Hood Canal Oyster Company for $9,900 to redistribute oyster shells, an agreement with Discovery Behavioral Healthcare for $25,000 to provide a mental health navigator to the sheriff’s office, agreements with Jumping Mouse Children’s Center for $75,949 to provide mental health services to Chimacum School District and to Brinnon School District, an amended agreement with Twin Harbors Waterkeeper for an additional $14,076 to provide ocean plastics awareness, an amended agreement for an additional $25,000 for the Pfeiffer House sustainable living project and an amended agreement with Kitsap Public Health District for an additional $191,866 for the nurse family partnership.

The full agenda can be viewed at www.co.jefferson.wa.us by following the link under “Quick Links: Videos of Meetings-Streaming Live.”

Association of counties

The Washington State Association of Counties will hear a weekly update on COVID-19 when they meet at noon Monday.

Both Clallam and Jefferson counties will participate.

To attend the meeting, register with the association at https://wsac-org.zoom.us/j/96091320845.

The association will also discuss current and emerging issues facing counties across the state.

Collaborative group

Jefferson County’s Intergovernmental Collaborative Group will hear a presentation on homelessness from Gregg Colburn, author of “Homelessness is a Housing Problem,” during a special meeting at 6 p.m. Monday.

The group is composed of members of four entities: Jefferson County Commission, Port Townsend City Council, the Port of Port Townsend and Jefferson County Public Utility District.

The hybrid meeting is in the Point Hudson Pavilion Building, 355 Hudson St., Port Townsend.

To view the meeting live visit https://zoom.us/j/94250777040 or go to www.co.jefferson.wa.us and follow the links under “Quick Links: Videos of Meetings-Streaming Live.”

To listen only, call 1-253-215-8782 and enter webinar ID 942-5077-7040..

Public comments can be emailed to icg@co.jefferson.wa.us.

Port of Port Angeles

Port of Port Angeles commissioners will meet at 9 a.m. Tuesday.

The hybrid meeting is at the port commission, 338 W. First St. Port Angeles.

To join the meeting online, visit https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81115085926.

To listen only, call 1-253-215-8782 and enter webinar ID 811 1508 5926; no passcode is required.

Comments may be submitted until 8 a.m. Tuesday to braedib@portofpa.com or by calling 360 461-9515.

The meeting agenda is expected to be posted at https://www.portofpa.com/AgendaCenter.

Clallam PUD

Clallam County Public Utility District commissioners will conduct an exit conference with the State Auditor’s Office during a special meeting at 3 p.m. Tuesday.

The meeting is online only; a link is posted at https://clallampud.net/commission-meetings.

Forks city

The Forks City Council will meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday.

The hybrid meeting is in city hall, 500 Division St., Forks.

Listening and webcast options, along with the full agenda, are expected to be posted on the city’s website, www.forkswashington.org.

Port Angeles city

The Port Angeles city council will hear a presentation on the impact of the opioid crisis on the city during a special meeting at 5 p.m. Tuesday.

The hybrid meeting will be in council chambers at city hall, 321 E. Fifth St., Port Angeles.

To join the meeting, visit www.cityofpa.us/Live-Virtual-Meetings or https://cityofpa.webex.com/cityofpa/j.php?MTID=m242404b43abbf93adef0e1663c894771.

To listen only, call 1-844-992-4726 and enter access code 2555 736 8510.

Public comment sent to council@cityofpa.us will not be read during the meeting, but will be entered into the meeting record.

The full agenda is expected to be posted at https://www.cityofpa.us/583/Meetings-Agendas.

Sequim city

The Sequim City Council will discuss low-income housing impact fees during a regular meeting at 6 p.m. Monday.

The council also will meet in executive session at 5:15 p.m. to discuss a potential real estate acquisition.

The hybrid meetings are in the civic center, 152 W. Cedar St., Sequim.

To join the meetings online, visit https://sequimwa-gov.zoom.us/j/87549989539.

To listen only, call 253-215-8782 and enter meeting ID875 4998 9539.

Written public comment can be sent to clerk@sequimwa.gov and will be distributed to the council prior to the meeting.

The full agenda is posted at https://www.sequimwa.gov/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/2856.

Chimacum schools

The Chimacum School Board will meet at 6 p.m. Wednesday.

The hybrid meeting is in the library of the Junior/Senior High School, 91 West Valley Road, Chimacum.

The agenda and meeting link are expected to be posted at go.boarddocs.com/wa/chimacum/board.nsf/public.

Quillayute Valley schools

The Quillayute Valley School board will meet at 5:30 p.m. Monday.

The hybrid meeting is in the library at Forks High School, 261 S. Spartan Ave., Forks.

The agenda and meeting link are expected to be posted at https://www.qvschools.org/Page/1764

Jefferson Healthcare

The Jefferson Healthcare commissioners will meet at 2 p.m. Wednesday.

The hybrid meeting is in the executive conference room at Jefferson Healthcare, 834 Sheridan St., Port Townsend.

To listen only, dial 509-598-2842. The conference ID number is 613756871#.

The full agenda is expected to be posted at https://jeffersonhealthcare.org/hospital-commission.

Fire District 2

Clallam County Fire District No. 2 commissioners will discuss future financial planning priorities during a special meeting at 5 p.m. Thursday.

The hybrid meeting is in the district administrative office, 1212 E. First St., Port Angeles.

To join the meeting online, visit https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4329081371?pwd=YlczSUZqMmRYclM4WkZJbkg5Q2N1Zz09.

To listen to the meeting, call 253-215-8782, then enter meeting ID 432 908 1371 and passcode 502502.

The meeting agenda is posted at http://www.clallamfire2.org/index.php/district-information/commissioners-meetings/schedule.html.

Development authority board

The Fort Worden Public Development Authority board will meet at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday.

The hybrid meeting is in Commons B on Fort Worden, 200 Battery Way, Port Townsend.

Written comment can be submitted in advance to mvitale@fortworden.org.

The agenda and meeting link are expected to be posted at https://fwpda.gov/AgendaCenter.

Water District 1

Jefferson County Water District # 1 will meet at 6 p.m. Wednesday.

The district meets in the Paradise Bay Community Club, 141 W. Alder St., Port Ludlow.

Water District 1 serves Paradise Bay.

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