EYE ON THE PENINSULA: City, county boards and commissions set to meet on Peninsula

Meetings across Clallam and Jefferson counties

Lodging tax grant awards, carbon sequestration goals and a resolution regarding abandoned vessels are before boards and commissions on the North Olympic Peninsula this week.

Joint Meeting

The Clallam County commissioners and the Port of Port Angeles commissioners will conduct a joint special meeting at 11 a.m. Monday.

The meeting is at the Port Commission, 338 W. First St., Port Angeles, although the county commissioners will join by Zoom from their chambers at the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles.

To join the meeting online, visit https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86338225211.

To listen only, call 253-215-8782 then enter meeting ID 863 3822 5211.

The agenda includes updates on the Clallam County Economic Development Council, the Small Business Development Center, the North Olympic Development Center, the Center for Inclusive Entrepreneurship; a briefing on joint emergency management grant opportunities from County Administrator Todd Mielke; and discussion on future joint meeting agendas led by port Executive Director Paul Jarkiewicz.

The full agenda is expected to be posted at https://portofpa.com/about-us/agenda-center.

Clallam County Commissioners

The three Clallam County commissioners will conduct a public hearing regarding the award of an additional $295,000 to the city of Forks for its wastewater treatment plant project during their weekly business meeting Tuesday.

The commissioners’ work session, at 9 a.m. Monday, will preview items set for action at their formal meeting, which starts at 10 a.m. Tuesday.

The hybrid meetings are in the county commissioners’ meeting room in the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles.

The meetings can be viewed online at https://www.clallamcountywa.gov/669/Live-Archived-Meetings-Online.

To participate via Zoom video, visit https://zoom.us/j/875561784.

To listen only, call 253-212-8782 then enter meeting ID 875 561 7844 and passcode 12345.

Agenda items include:

• A resolution awarding $683,364 in lodging tax grants to the following agencies: Clallam Transit System, $15,600; Washington Festival and Events, $157,500; Olympic Theatre Arts, $14,209,65; Peninsula Trails Coalition, $49,500; Clallam Bay/Sekiu Visitors Center, $15,000; Olympic Peninsula Fungus Festival, $12,500; StormKing FC, $41,600; Clallam County Public Works, $84,400; the city of Forks, $15,000; Port Angeles Fine Arts Center, $15,000; Clallam County Parks, $75,000; Feiro Marine Life Center, $29,495; Port Angeles Waterfront District, $100,000; Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce, $30,000; and Port Angeles Youth Basketball, $21,000.

• Several agreements related to RECOMPETE grant funding.

• An agreement with Natural Systems Design, Inc., of Seattle, for $161,766 to perform channel migration zone delineation on the lower Elwha River.

• A pre-application grant questionnaire for $35,215 from the state Criminal Justice Training Commission for a wellness training program for patrol and corrections deputies.

• An agreement with the Law Office of Jeremy Morris, PLLC, to represent the county in appeals.

• A purchase order for $54,807 to purchase a mobile generator to support the public health emergency response plan.

• An agreement with Multnomah Group, of Portland, Ore., to service the county’s 401 (a) and 457 (b) deferred compensation programs.

• An agreement with the state Administrative Office of the Courts for $96,514 to fund the county’s Family Court improvement plan coordinator.

• An interlocal agreement with the city of Port Angeles to share procurement agreements.

• An agreement with Sound Law Center to provide hearing examiner and code enforcement services.

• An agreement with Quigg Brothers, of Aberdeen, for $89,298 to replace pilings at the Lake Pleasant boat launch ramp.

• Opening of bids for a contract to replace the art barn roof at the Clallam County Fairgrounds.

The meeting agendas are posted at https://www.clallamcountywa.gov/AgendaCenter.

Public comment may be sent to agores@co.clallam.wa.us.

Other Clallam County meetings:

Meeting agendas are posted at https://www.clallamcountywa.gov/AgendaCenter.

• The Noxious Weed Control Board will meet at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday.

The hybrid meeting is in room 160 in the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles.

To join the meeting online, visit https://us06web.zoom.us/j/3349876138?pwd=YWxnUTlaU0ZwanQ0V0NaVWZvY3ljdz09.

To listen only, call 253-205-0468 then enter meeting ID 334 987 6138 and passcode 12345.

• The Sheriff’s Citizen Advisory Committee will meet at 5 p.m. Thursday.

Jefferson County commission

The three Jefferson County commissioners will conduct a workshop to discuss emissions and sequestration goals when they meet at 9 a.m. Monday.

The hybrid meeting is at the commissioners chambers in the Jefferson County Courthouse, 1820 Jefferson St., Port Townsend.

To view the meeting live, go to www.co.jefferson.wa.us and follow the links under “Quick Links: Videos of Meetings-Streaming Live.”

To join the meeting online, go to https://zoom.us/j/93777841705.

To listen only, call 1-253-215-8782 and enter access code 937-7784-1705#.

Public comments emailed to jeffbocc@co.jefferson.wa.us will be included in the minutes, but no longer read aloud during the meeting; comments may still be made via Zoom or telephone.

Agenda items include:

• A discussion and possible action regarding a settlement in the opioid litigation against Johnson & Johnson.

• A discussion and possible action regarding an operating agreement for the county animal control shelter and related services.

• A discussion and possible action regarding the proposed removal of trees and shrubs from the Brookwood Glen greenbelt to accommodate a public works project.

• A discussion and possible action regarding a recommendation for the District 3 seat on the planning commission.

• A discussion and possible action regarding a letter of intent to purchase budgeting software.

• A resolution creating a county project for the Gardiner Beach boat ramp repair.

• An agreement with EV Charging Solutions, Inc., to construct, operate and maintain electric vehicle charging infrastructure.

• An agreement with HWA Geosciences, Inc., for $26,832 for the Center Road 2R overlay.

• An agreement with Tetra Tech for $727,915 to provide construction engineering support on phase 2 of the Port Hadlock wastewater treatment project.

• An agreement with Tetra Tech for $218,126 to provide construction support for stages 1 through 4 on-site grinder pumps.

• An agreement with Jefferson Land Trust for $60,000 in conservation futures funds for the Schmidt Farm Project.

• An agreement with the state Administrative Office of the Courts for $37,657 for the Family and Juvenile Court improvement plan.

The full agenda is expected to be posted at www.co.jefferson.wa.us by following the link under “Quick Links: Videos of Meetings-Streaming Live.”

Other Jefferson County meetings:

• The Conservation Futures Oversight Committee will conduct a special meeting at 2 p.m. Tuesday.

To join the meeting, visit https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81734660455.

To listen only, call 253-215-8782 and enter meeting ID 817 3466 0455.

• The Climate Action Committee will meet at 3 p.m. Tuesday.

The committee meets in the Pacific Room at Jefferson County Public Health, 651 Sheridan St., Port Townsend

To join the meeting online, visit https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81012353627?pwd=QUxvSUZic1JHY0hsZ0JWN05GT0JxQT09.

To listen only, call 253-215-8782, then enter meeting ID 810 1235 3627 and passcode 121498.

• The Budget Committee will meet at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday.

The hybrid meeting is in the first floor conference room at the Jefferson County Courthouse, 1820 Jefferson St., Port Townsend.

• The Housing Fund Board will meet at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday.

The hybrid meeting is in the county commissioners chambers in the Jefferson County Courthouse, 1820 Jefferson St., Port Townsend.

To join the meeting online, visit https://us06web.zoom.us/j/91098454388.

Port of Port Angeles

Port of Port Angeles commissioners will consider a resolution regarding abandoned vessels when they meet at 9 a.m. Tuesday.

The hybrid meeting is at the port commission, 338 W. First St., Port Angeles.

To join the meeting online, visit https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82093231071.

To listen only, call 1-253-215-8782 and enter webinar ID 820 9323 1071; no passcode is required.

Comments may be submitted until 8 a.m. Tuesday to braedib@portofpa.com or by calling 360-461-9515.

The full agenda is posted at https://portofpa.com/about-us/agenda-center.

Port of Port Townsend

Port of Port Townsend commissioners will meet at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday.

The commissioners will also have a quorum from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the Point Hudson jetty celebration. No action will be taken.

The hybrid meeting is in the Point Hudson Pavilion Building, 355 Hudson St., Port Townsend.

To join the meeting online, visit https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86269043651?pwd=MDlybTZHSmxaRW5BMW1CajdOTUJHUT09.

To listen only, call 1-253-215-8782 then enter meeting ID is 862 6904 3651 and password 911887.

The agenda is expected to be posted at https://portofpt.com/about-us/port-commission/meeting-minutes.

Clallam County Public Utility District

Clallam County Public Utility District commissioners will hear an update on drinking water regulations related to PFAS and lead line inventories when they meet at 1:30 p.m. Monday.

The hybrid meeting is in the Lake Crescent boardroom at the PUD’s main office, 104 Hooker Road, Sequim.

To join the meeting online, visit https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84721624204?pwd=Q0pCaVRLWXFqeWpONVFYaFM0UFB2UT09.

To listen only, call 1-253-215-8782, then enter meeting ID 847 2162 4204 and passcode 718170.

Public comment may be submitted in advance to info@clallampud.net.

The commissioners also will hear a report on first quarter activities from the Clallam County Economic Development Council and a staff report regard photovoltaic installations on the district’s roof.

The agenda is posted at https://go.boarddocs.com/wa/clallampud/Board.nsf/Public.

Forks city

The Forks City Council will set a date for a public hearing regarding the Quillayute Airport master plan when it meets at 7:30 p.m. Monday.

The hybrid meeting is in city hall, 500 Division St., Forks.

To join the meeting online, visit https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84848898315?pwd=WJx3n8l1z8JpHWD9CZ8ITUFi3wTkFc.1.

The agenda is expected to be posted at www.forkswashington.org.

Sequim city

The Sequim City Council will hear an update on the Centennial Place Park design when they meet at 6 p.m. Monday.

The hybrid meeting is in the civic center, 152 W. Cedar St., Sequim.

To join the meeting online, visit https://sequimwa-gov.zoom.us/j/86842041779.

To listen only, call 253-215-8782 and enter meeting ID 868 4204 1779.

Written public comment can be sent to clerk@sequimwa.gov and will be distributed to the council prior to the meeting.

The agenda is posted at https://sequimwa.civicweb.net/document/19214.

Chimacum School Board

The Chimacum School Board will meet at 6 p.m. Wednesday.

The board will meet in room 702 at Chimacum Elementary School, 91 West Valley Road, Chimacum.

To join the meeting visit https://csd49.zoom.us/j/81363049981.

To listen only, dial 1-253-215-8782 and enter meeting ID 813 6304 9981.

The full agenda is expected to be posted at go.boarddocs.com/wa/chimacum/board.nsf/public.

Crescent school

The Crescent School Board will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday.

The board meets in the library at Crescent School, 50350 state Highway 112, Joyce.

The agenda and meeting link are expected to be posted at https://go.boarddocs.com/wa/crescent/Board.nsf/Public.

Port Angeles schools

The Port Angeles School Board will meet at 5 p.m. Thursday.

The board meets at Lincoln Center, 905 W. Ninth St., Port Angeles.

The agenda is expected to be posted at https://www.boarddocs.com/wa/pasd/Board.nsf/public.

Quillayute Valley schools

The Quillayute Valley School board will discuss phase 2 of the Spartan Stadium project when it meets at 5:30 p.m. Monday.

The hybrid meeting is in the library at Forks High School, 261 S. Spartan Ave., Forks.

The meeting will stream at https://youtube.com/live/LEw3tC0T6j8?feature=share.

The agenda is posted at https://www.qvschools.org/o/qvsd/page/board-meetingsagendas.

Sequim schools

The Sequim School Board will meet at 5:30 p.m. Monday.

The hybrid meeting is in the library at Sequim High School, 601 N. Sequim Ave., Sequim.

The agenda and meeting link are expected to be posted at https://go.boarddocs.com/wa/sequim/Board.nsf/vpublic?open.

Jefferson Healthcare

Jefferson Healthcare commissioners will meet at 2 p.m. Wednesday.

The commissioners will conduct an exit conference with the state auditor during a special meeting at 1:30 p.m.

The hybrid meetings are in the executive conference room at Jefferson Healthcare, 834 Sheridan St., Port Townsend.

To listen only, dial 509-598-2842. The conference ID number is 975-178-013#.

The full agenda is expected to be posted at https://jeffersonhealthcare.org/hospital-commission.

Development authority board

The Fort Worden Public Development Authority board will meet at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday.

The hybrid meeting is in Commons B on Fort Worden, 200 Battery Way, Port Townsend.

The agenda and meeting link is expected to be posted at https://fwpda.gov/AgendaCenter.

North Olympic Library Trustees

The North Olympic Library System Board of Trustees will meet at 5:30 p.m. Thursday.

The hybrid meeting is at the Port Angeles Main Library, 2210 S. Peabody St., Port Angeles.

To join the meeting online, visit https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83859256414?pwd=MUR2RTQzM1daaDd1Um1oOHlVS0dtdz09.

The agenda is expected to be posted at https://www.nols.org/board-administration.

Water District #1

Jefferson County Water District #1 will meet at 6 p.m. Wednesday.

The district meets in the Paradise Bay Community Club, 141 W. Alder St., Port Ludlow.

Water District #1 serves Paradise Bay.

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