WEEKEND: Peninsula Men’s Gospel Singers set to perform

PORT ANGELES — Be ready, Penny Hall says, to have a spring put in your step.

Hall, accompanist with the 19-voice Peninsula Men’s Gospel Singers, will join up with them tonight to deliver 15 numbers, from the traditional to the contemporary.

“This is one of our big concerts,” added bass singer Dave Meyer.

“Eleven of these numbers are new. Only four are old favorites.”

From “Soon and Very Soon” to “Blow the Trumpet in Zion,” the singers will cover the gamut in their 7 p.m. performance at the Independent Bible Church Worship Center, 116 E. Ahlvers Road.

Admission is by donation, and Karen Coles will provide sign-language interpretation throughout.

“There is nothing like men singing with complete conviction,” Hall said.

If people want to leave feeling better than they did when they came, she added, this is the concert for them.

Duets, quartets, solo

The evening will feature duets, quartets and a solo, including choir director Lee Moseley’s “Born Again” and baritone Hans Kask and tenors Mike Stenger and Dan Cobb in “Loving God, Loving Each Other.”

Meyer, with Stenger, Cobb and baritone Steve Campbell, is part of the quartet that will sing “Great Is the Lord.”

Hall added that the program includes “something beautifully lilting: ‘Sitting at the Feet of Jesus.’ Then we’re turning around and doing a piece by Franz Schubert: ‘Holy Is the Lord.’”

The men will also render “Holy Highway” by Ginger Hendricks — and “it really rocks,” Hall said.

These are men of passion, the accompanist added.

Each makes personal sacrifices in order to be part of the choir.

And when they step up onto the risers, she believes, their energy is catching.

“If you come, you’ll get on board with that,” Hall said.

To learn more about the singers, their concerts and their CDs, visit www.PMGospelSingers.com.


Features Editor Diane Urbani de la Paz can be reached at 360-417-3550 or at diane.urbani@peninsuladailynews.com.

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