Springlike weather to help weekend activities on North Olympic Peninsula

So what are you doing this spring weekend?

Oops, got carried away! It’s still winter.

It’s easy to make the mistake: The Strait of Juan de Fuca region this week passed the modern record for February sunshine set in 1996.

That mark was 151.5 sunny hours, and the North Olympic Peninsula/South Vancouver Island count of brilliant February weather passed it at midafternoon Wednesday, said Victoria weather specialist Anne McCarthy, who keeps those type of records along the Strait.

The normal level of sunshine for February is 89.4 hours, the Victoria Times Colonist reported.

Bottom line: More sunshine — albeit mixed with some clouds — will continue this weekend, making the period an opportune time to take in two venerable February events that have been known to be rained on:

* Thousands of people are expected to visit the 23rd annual KONP Home Show, presented by the Clallam County Public Utility District, in Port Angeles.

The free show will run from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, then 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sunday in the Port Angeles High School gymnasium complex.

Visitors will find information and displays from North Olympic Peninsula contractors, home improvement specialists, real estate brokers, financial institutions, landscapers and home furnishing representatives, said KONP station manager Todd Ortloff.

Admission to the show is free.

There will be free parking in the parking lots located along Park Avenue. A Clallam Transit trolley will provide shuttle service from the parking areas to the show.

* Sunshine and calm, blue waters of Port Townsend Bay will provide the backdrop for Saturday’s 14th annual Wooden Boat Foundation Shipwrights’ Regatta.

The one-day regatta, which begins at 11:30 a.m., celebrates Jefferson County’s shipwright community, and sailing craft of all sizes, designs and construction will take to the water.

For boaters and those who want to crew on a boat, pre-registration is taken up to 4 p.m. today by calling the Wooden Boat Foundation office at 360-385-3628.

A skippers’ meeting will be held Saturday at 8:30 a.m. at the Blue Moose Cafe, 311 Haines Place.

Rotary centennial

As the moon shines brightly tonight, members of the North Olympic Peninsula’s seven Rotary clubs will gather at 7 Cedars Casino to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the founding of Rotary International.

Rotarians will have dinner and view a 30-minute program to celebrate the Peninsula clubs’ activities and Rotary International’s successes from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. in 7 Cedars’ bingo hall.

Then the event will be opened to the public at 9 p.m. to join the Rotary revelers for a dance to the music of the band Fat Chance.

The party, organized by the Port Angeles Rotary Club on behalf of the clubs in Port Townsend, Sequim and Port Angeles, commemorates the founding of Rotary in Chicago on Feb. 23, 1905.

Other weekend activities around the North Olympic Peninsula are chronicled in Peninsula Spotlight, included with this edition of Peninsula Daily News, and in the “Things to Do” column, accessible by clicking on CALENDAR at left.

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