Emma Gallaher and Luke Silliman star in their short film “Welcome to Life,” which is one of nine films vying for scholarships at the Student Film Festival and Art Show on Friday in Sequim High School’s auditorium.

Emma Gallaher and Luke Silliman star in their short film “Welcome to Life,” which is one of nine films vying for scholarships at the Student Film Festival and Art Show on Friday in Sequim High School’s auditorium.

Sequim’s Student Film Festival premieres nine movies Friday night

SEQUIM — Students in Sequim Middle and High schools have created nine films for the 12th annual Student Film Festival and Art Show on Friday.

The films, which range from serious to comedic, will be screened at 7 p.m. in the Sequim High School auditorium at 601 N. Sequim Ave. An art show will precede the films at 6 p.m.

Admission is a suggested donation of $5.

Each short movie is screened beforehand to ensure content is appropriate for all ages, organizers said.

Judges select the top films, which receive $1,000 for first place, $750 for second place and $500 for third place from the Sequim Education Foundation, which sponsors the event and which has given more than $50,000 in awards since starting the festival.

As is customary, a “People’s Choice” award will be given out along with new awards for films based on volunteerism and school spirit.

This year’s films include:

• “We Can Be It!” by Marley Reeder, Lindsey Coffman, Autumn Shaw, Kelsi Bergesen, Kariya Johnson, Kristina Baker and Madelyn Pickens (Sequim Middle School).

• “Welcome to Life” by Luke Silliman and Emma Gallaher (Sequim High School).

• “The Definition of Happiness” by Victoria Hall (SHS).

• “Alone-Episode No. 2-Super Speed” by Nicholas D’Amico (SHS).

• “Emotions” by Abygail Mundy and Valentina Simao (SHS).

• “The King Heart” by Atticus Wickert and Truman Wickert (SHS).

• “One Spring Day” by Raymond Lam (SHS) and Steven Lam (SMS).

• “Who Would Have Thought” by Kalli Wiker and McKenna Hastings (SMS).

• “My New Neighbor” by Maddy Dietzman and Amanda Weller (SMS).

Sequim High students Annie Armstrong and Abygail Mundy will serve as Masters of Ceremonies and Emma Stoeckl as technical director.

For more information, visit www.sequim educationfoundation.org or phone Christy Ditlefsen at 360-582-3636.

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