QUILCENE — Those looking for a good old time this weekend can head down to South Jefferson County for the Quilcene Fair and Parade and South County Classics Car Show on Saturday.
The event will be at the Quilcene School grounds, 294715 U.S. Highway 101.
“This year has been a tremendous effort with community involvement in the fair,” said Becky Anderson, publicity and entertainment coordinator for the fair.
This year marks the 24th Annual Quilcene Fair, and it’s theme is “Quilcene then and now, an unfolding story.”
“We’ve got twice as much entertainment as last year.”
Parade at 11
The big event of the day begins at 11 a.m. with the parade, which will include floats, marching bands, classic cars, service groups, cute kids and pets and local dignitaries and honored guests of the fair.
The parade has changed its route from prior years when it used to run from south to north on Highway 101.
Instead, parade participants should check in with coordinators in the parking lot of the Presbyterian Church, 294433 Highway 101, and it will head south.
Anderson said people will still be able to sign up for free to be in the parade.
Immediately following the parade, a community photo will be shot at the purple rock on the south side of the Quilcene School building.
Car show
The classic car show will begin at noon on the Back 40 behind the school.
Entries should register between 7:30 a.m. and 10 a.m.
Anderson said more than 50 booths will offer attendants crafts and food at the fair.
At 12:30, the Diaper Derby and Toddler Trot will take place at the school grounds, with participants from ages birth to 4 years old welcome.
A burn out demo and contest will take place at 2 p.m. at the Railroad Grade near the school grounds.
Vehicles can be entered for $5.
At 3 p.m., an ice cream eating contest is sure to offer participants of all ages brain-freezes.
Live music will be played most of the day, with the highlight from 3 to 5 p.m.
Leon Hendrix, Jimi Hendrix’s brother, and his band will playing at the Back 40 behind the school and Kendra and the Big Dogs are also playing.
The fair is expected to conclude at about 5 p.m.