
Lady A will be bringing the West Coast Women's Blues Revue to Port Angeles next weekend for the inaugural blues festival.

First Port Angeles Blues Festival to start Friday

PORT ANGELES — Lady A cuts straight to the point as she sees it. “I bring my fun. And I expect my audience to bring… Continue reading

Lady A will be bringing the West Coast Women's Blues Revue to Port Angeles next weekend for the inaugural blues festival.
Emblem3 is shown auditioning for Fox TV's "The X Factor.” The X Factor

Sequim-bred band tries again for TV fame

HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif. — Last spring, a Sequim-bred band was slated to go on “America's Got Talent,” the NBC reality show where contestants angle for… Continue reading

Emblem3 is shown auditioning for Fox TV's "The X Factor.” The X Factor
Don Bedinger of Carlsborg serves up some of his winning chili to Nancy Slowey of Port Angeles on Saturday. Dave Logan

Winner crowned at annual chili cookoff

The Hungry Bear Cafe on U.S. Highway 101 near Beaver was the site Saturday of the 11th annual Bear Creek Potluck and Chili Cookoff. Of… Continue reading

  • Sep 10, 2012
Don Bedinger of Carlsborg serves up some of his winning chili to Nancy Slowey of Port Angeles on Saturday. Dave Logan
Carol Swarbrick Dries plays a journalist — and unlikely confidante — to Paul Martin's New York City fire chief in “The Guys

9/11 drama staged in benefit for Legion Riders

DUNGENESS — “The Guys,” a play about a man and woman who help each other cope after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, will come… Continue reading

Carol Swarbrick Dries plays a journalist — and unlikely confidante — to Paul Martin's New York City fire chief in “The Guys
Photo of Lee Tyler Post by Diane Urbani de la Paz/for Peninsula Profile

PENINSULA PROFILE: Troubadour weaves life’s stories into songs

Lee Tyler Post is a big man who doesn't do small talk. Sit down with him to discuss music, and Post will soon sweep you… Continue reading

Photo of Lee Tyler Post by Diane Urbani de la Paz/for Peninsula Profile
Today’s Peninsula Spotlight magazine — the North Olympic Peninsula’s premiere entertainment magazine — is available in the Peninsula Daily News wherever the PDN is sold.

IN THE PENINSULA SPOTLIGHT: ‘Red’ more than just a color at Olympic Theater Arts

SEQUIM — Olivia Shea wasn’t expecting this thing to overtake her. On a train ride to Portland, Ore., Shea, a theater director, picked up “Red,”… Continue reading

Today’s Peninsula Spotlight magazine — the North Olympic Peninsula’s premiere entertainment magazine — is available in the Peninsula Daily News wherever the PDN is sold.

WEEKEND: Auction, dinner to aid firefighters

PORT ANGELES — A ride to school on a firetruck and a sailboat ride are among the services to be auctioned off during the Firefighters… Continue reading

WEEKEND: Other area events on North Olympic Peninsula

Garage sales along 61 miles of scenic highway, book signings, dances and walking tours of Port Townsend’s Victorian seaport are among activities available on the… Continue reading

WEEKEND: Sailing team booth to fund yearly costs

PORT TOWNSEND — The Port Townsend High School sailing team will have a fundraising booth at the Wooden Boat Festival this weekend. Team members will… Continue reading

Kim Aldrich waits for a mooring rope to be tossed from a guest boat as boats trickle into Point Hudson Marina for the Wooden Boat Festival in 2011. Charlie Bermant/Peninsula Daily News

WEEKEND: Wooden Boat Festival to draw sailors, curious

PORT TOWNSEND — The 36th annual Wooden Boat Festival, which begins today, is one of the busiest weekends of the year, drawing an estimated 30,000… Continue reading

Kim Aldrich waits for a mooring rope to be tossed from a guest boat as boats trickle into Point Hudson Marina for the Wooden Boat Festival in 2011. Charlie Bermant/Peninsula Daily News

JOHN NELSON’S LIVE MUSIC COLUMN: A variety of venues, vibes for music

Port Angeles and Joyce ■ Today at Castaways Restaurant and Night Club, 1213 Marine Drive, Jerry’s Country Jam lasts from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.… Continue reading

Trisa Chomica and her son

Port Angeles shops to take part in Fashion’s Night Out

PORT ANGELES — These three women intend to dispel what they perceive as downtown's bad reputation. Well, maybe not so bad — but boring, they… Continue reading

Trisa Chomica and her son
Dance teachers Rosalynn Rees and Paul Kelly

Salsa dance heats up Wednesdays in Port Angeles

PORT ANGELES — As promised, salsa dancing is turning into a regular thing downtown. This Wednesday night Salsa in PA, the new organization devoted to… Continue reading

Dance teachers Rosalynn Rees and Paul Kelly
Sarah Cronauer says goodbye to “my captain

Mourners bid farewell to Port Angeles entrepreneur Paul Cronauer

PORT ANGELES — Until not long ago, Paul and Sarah Cronauer would wake up together, talk a bit and share a deep belly laugh before… Continue reading

Sarah Cronauer says goodbye to “my captain

PENINSULA PROFILE: Young couple put heart into dairy

DUNGENESS — Out here, the labors of love are many. There is love between two young mates. Love for animals. Love for the family who… Continue reading

Willie Van Nostrand of Sequim peers down on the Dungeness Valley from 3

It’s Sequim Balloon Festival weekend [PHOTO GALLERY ]

SEQUIM — The long and long-awaited weekend is just about here: three days when a dozen hot-air balloons will be sprinkled across the sky, and… Continue reading

Willie Van Nostrand of Sequim peers down on the Dungeness Valley from 3

WEEKEND — Huge garage sale fundraiser scheduled in Port Angeles

PORT ANGELES — Thousands of items will go on sale during the Clallam County Historical Society's annual garage sale, conducted from 8 a.m. to 2… Continue reading

WEEKEND — More events (music, food, races, a gun show) by city on North Olympic Peninsula

CONCERTS, RACES, BARBECUES, a gun show and a motorcycle hill climb are among the myriad activities planned on the North Olympic Peninsula this weekend. For… Continue reading

A reenactor shows two boys how things were done way back when at the annual Green River Mountain Men rendezvous in 2011. Peninsula Daily News Staff File Photo

WEEKEND — Mountain men to descend for rendezvous on Peninsula

SEQUIM — The Green River Mountain Men will host its annual rendezvous at the Peninsula Long Rifle Association's property off Slab Camp Road this Labor… Continue reading

A reenactor shows two boys how things were done way back when at the annual Green River Mountain Men rendezvous in 2011. Peninsula Daily News Staff File Photo

WEEKEND — Music will soar at Sequim Balloon Festival, too

SEQUIM — Jazz from the American songbook, marimba music from Africa, electrified Celtic violin: One after another, they will fill the air at this weekend's… Continue reading