The movie “Surf’s Up,” an animated romp about the Penguin World Surfing Championship, will screen as part of tonight’s Music and Movie in the Park series.
First, the band Busride will take the stage at the James Center bandshell just north of Carrie Blake Park, 202 N. Blake Ave., to play dance-friendly progressive rock from 6 p.m. till about 8:30 p.m.
Then the movie, rated PG for mild language and some rude humor, will light up an outdoor screen brought in for the night.
The “Surf’s Up” running time is 85 minutes.
Admission to tonight’s entertainment is free, as it is for the rest of the concerts in the series.
Carrie Blake Park now has a wheelchair- and walker-accessible path from Carrie Blake Park to the field in front of the bandshell, so it’s easier for people with disabilities to get to the events there.
The Tuesday concerts are sponsored by Karl Allen and John Rigg of ADR Developers; Team McAleer; Clark Land Office; Gray and Osborne; William Littlejohn companies; Dungeness Courte; Lakeside Industries; Jarmuth Electric; Bekkevar Logging and Trucking; Northwest Eye Surgeons; and Sequim This Week, the Peninsula Daily News’ free weekly newspaper for Sequim.