Cellist Madelyn Kowalski to be featured in concert

For 18-year-old Kowalski, this will be the sixth annual concert.

Trinity United Methodist Church, 609 Taylor St., will host a concert at 7 p.m. Thursday featuring cellist Madelyn Kowalski, seen here, as part of the ongoing Candlelight Concert Series. (Deja Webster)

Trinity United Methodist Church, 609 Taylor St., will host a concert at 7 p.m. Thursday featuring cellist Madelyn Kowalski, seen here, as part of the ongoing Candlelight Concert Series. (Deja Webster)

PORT TOWNSEND — Trinity United Methodist Church, 609 Taylor St., at 7 tonight hosts a concert featuring cellist Madelyn Kowalski as part of the ongoing Candlelight Concert Series.

This is the sixth annual concert in the series for Kowalski, 18, of Marrowstone Island.

Kowalski will be accompanied by pianist Lisa Lanza, who has worked with Kowalski as both accompanist and collaborator for the past eight years.

The program features Dvorak’s Cello Concerto in B minor, followed by Beethoven’s Sonata for Cello and Piano, No. 3 in A major.

Admission is by the suggested donation of $10, with children admitted free. Proceeds benefit various nonprofits operating in Port Townsend, and the church’s music and historic Victorian Restoration programs, according to a news release.

Refreshments will be served following the performance.

Kowalski made her Port Townsend debut with Lanza in 2008 at the Rose Theatre, playing Saint Saens’ “The Swan.”

“I remember thinking then that Madelyn would be a promising cellist,” said Lanza, who holds a master’s degree in piano performance and accompaniment, according to the release.

“It’s been so rewarding to take part in her musical life and watch her grow into the beautiful musician she is today.”

In addition to performing in Candlelight Concerts annually since 2011, the two have played in multiple other performances in Port Townsend.

“Even though Lisa is so busy with her own schedule, she’s always been there for me,” Kowalski said.

“This year she even took me to competitions in Missoula and Spokane because I needed a piano accompanist for both. It was a lot of fun to travel with her, and it’s always fun to perform with her.”

While competing at the Musicfest Northwest in Spokane, Kowalski placed first in the strings division, and soloed the first movement of the Dvorak Cello Concerto with the Spokane Symphony, according to the release.

Last year, Lanza accompanied Kowalski’s winning performance at the Port Angeles Young Artist Concerto Competition, according to the release.

Kowalski has been traveling weekly to Bellevue for the past 10 years to study cello with Leslie Marckx.

She has also worked with cellists Mia Frederickson, Ray Davis and Chuck Jacot, and collaborative pianist Li-Tan Hsu.

This September, Kowalski is leaving to begin her bachelor of music degree in cello performance at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, where she will study with Alison Wells.

“I’m really going to miss working with Madelyn,” said Lanza.

“But it’s so exciting to see her go to college and pursue music as a professional career, and I’m sure there will be opportunities for us to work together again in the future. And, of course, I’ll be visiting her in Scotland.”

Kowalski said she is “grateful for the support from the community. It’s also been so great to have the opportunity to play at Candlelight Concerts every year. I love the venue and the audience is always so wonderful. It’s one of the highlights of my year.”

Kowalski plays a Neuner and Hornsteiner cello made in Mittenwald circa 1890 — loaned to her by the Carlsen Cello Foundation, according to the release

For more, call 774-1644.


Features Editor Chris McDaniel can be reached at 360-452-2345, ext. 56650, or at cmcdaniel@peninsuladailynews.com.

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