LETTER: We should rename the state

From Sequim

I feel very uncomfortable that the state I’m living in is named after a slave owner who also killed some Native Americans in his early days.

I say we should deface highway signs with his image on them, topple statues of him and since he also appears on our state’s flag, we should stomp on it then burn it.

Everywhere I look, I see his image.

Where is our safe zone from this warmongering, Christian, firearms advocate?

This man born of Caucasian privilege who was home-schooled, would not even denounce the violent militias organizing around the states in those days.

It’s extremely offensive to me and I’m thinking of starting an online petition to correct this horrendous racist outrage.

I will also boycott the one dollar bill and just use four quarters from now on.

Wait a minute, is that him on those coins, too?

I guess I will just use 20 nickels instead.

Whoever is on that coin has got to be better, right?

Wayne Pedersen
