LETTER: Strong public schools

Cal Thomas asks, in a recant column in the Peninsula Daily News, “What the hell has happened to this country?” with regard to many young people being reluctant to fight for their country.

His answer shouldn’t surprise anyone.

Thomas states we have had, “Two generations where students in public schools … seem to have been taught by mostly liberal teachers that America is not an exceptional nation, but rather a country whose original sin of slavery and wealth is an embarrassment.”

Mr. Thomas, when was the last time you were in public school classrooms and personally observed teachers actually teaching such nonsense?

As a teacher with 32 years of public school teaching experience, I had colleagues who were liberal, conservative, or neither; that were military veterans, Republicans or Democrats; religious or non-religious.

We had one thing in common — to be the best teachers we could be to our students.

To teach them not only subject matter, but help them strengthen the core values found within their own families.

We do not tolerate name calling.

We don’t call one group ‘libtards’ and another group ‘snowflakes.’

Long hours and low pay are rewarded by seeing growth in our students, in both subject matter and their relationships with each other.

Teachers are blamed for absolutely everything yet students spend the majority of their time with their own parents, believing and absorbing what they hear, see, and experience.

We can fight for a stronger nation built on the freedoms we have fought and died for.

A strong public school system helps do just that.

Sherry Schaaf
