LETTER: Running sheriff’s office takes experience

Will vote for Benedict

During my 48 years in law enforcement I have worked with both Bill Benedict and Jim McLaughlin.

Both are good, decent men.

Both, however, have different experience.

Benedict led the agency for 12 years and shaped it into one of the most respected sheriff’s offices in Washington.

Of 266 law enforcement agencies in the state, only 54 are accredited and

No easy task but took a lot of vision and leadership to make that happen.

Benedict has managed the office’s $13M budget, spending only what was necessary and returning unspent money to the county each year demonstrating his respect for tax dollars while delivering efficient law enforcement services.

McLaughlin served as a Coast Guard chief petty officer, supervising a small group of individuals.

He has been a field-level employee of the Sheriff’s Office, managing only his daily duties.

At forums and campaign websites, McLaughlin has mentioned things that need fixing.

Property crimes, proactive enforcement, victim care and staffing — but he has shown no evidence these are a problem and hasn’t presented any plan to fix them.

McLaughlin has no experience running a large organization or managing a budget.

Running a 103-person agency with a $13M budget requires experience.

Benedict is the proven leadership choice.

Twelve years of results, not platitudes and promises for unsubstantiated problems.

Many current employees of the department support Bill Benedict.

They like his leadership and competence.

I will vote for Bill Benedict for sheriff.

Ron Peregrin,
