LETTER: Reader thinks progressives are dangerous

There are millions of Liberal Democrat voters in America, but today Progressives control the Democrat Party power structure.

A Liberal Democrat politician goes along or gets left out.

Progressives believe average people are unable to make good decisions and need the government (progressives) to make decisions for them.

In the 1930s and ’40s this was called fascism.

Today the government of China calls it “state capitalism.”

You get to vote, but for only one party.

Why have the Progressive politicians joined with Black Lives Matter and Antifa, while the leadership of Black Lives Matter is Marxist and members of Antifa have ties with communism?

First, they know that communism and socialism become totalitarianism once in power.

Look at Venezuela.

Second, in Germany and Italy, Progressives — who became totalitarian — gained power through the collapse of law and order using street riots and disbanding the police.

Sound familiar?

Yes, Virginia, this has happened before.

To Progressives — who act like fascists — everything is political.

Anything can be used to direct the herd (common people).

Their motto is, “Never let a crisis go to waste,” or, use any opportunity to further their goals.

So they are using riots and the release of criminals which destroy property and lives for their ends.

They are even using COVID-19 as a weapon.

Unfortunately, the educational system no longer teaches history, and the mainstream media is Progressive, so you no longer recognize these would-be dictators for what they are.

Don’t take my word for it.

But before you vote, do the research.

It’s all on the net.

The future depends on it.

Mike Keegan

Port Angeles