PORT ANGELES — The NorthWest Women’s Chorale will present “Songs Within” at 7 p.m. Monday.
The spring concert will be at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 301 E. Lopez Ave.
Admission is by a $15 donation at the door; doors open at 6:30 p.m. and there is a pre-concert talk at 6:45 p.m.
The chorale, under the direction of Joy Lingerfelt, will be accompanied by Kristin Quigley Brye on the piano.
The program includes works composed by Jackson Berkey, Eleanor Daley, Stuart Stotts, Daniel Gawthrop, Richard Nance, Kim Andre Arnesen and Euan Tait, Nathan Christensen and Joni Jensen’s arrangement of Rory Cooney’s “Canticle of the Turning.”
For more information, call MarySue French at 360-477-3528, email info@nw womenchorale.org or visit www.nwwomenschorale.org.