EYE ON BUSINESS: This week’s meetings

Port Angeles Noon Rotary — For this week, the meeting will be at the student-run Wildcat Cafe at Lincoln School, 924 W. Ninth St., at 11:30 a.m. in Port Angeles on Wednesday.

This week features exchange students from Austria and South Korea who will talk about their home countries and the experiences they’ve had this year at Port Angeles High School.

Port Angeles Nor’Wester Rotary — Meeting in person Friday at 7 a.m. at Port Angeles Senior & Community Center, 328 E. Seventh St. in Port Angeles.

This week features Sean Simmons discussing scholarships.

Zoom access is by request. Email info@rotary norwester.org for information.

Clallam County Economic Development Council — Coffee With Colleen, hosted by Colleen McAleer, on Wednesdays at 8 a.m. The Zoom link is us02web.zoom.us/j/89474510306?pwd=VlIr RHh5RG1nYVh3V3J XRzF SMmRodz09, Meeting ID 894 7451 0306 and Passcode 187447.

Sequim-Dungeness Valley Chamber of Commerce — Monthly luncheon meetings are held Tuesdays at 11:30 a.m. at Sunland Golf Club, 109 Hilltop Drive, Sequim.

This week features Sequim City Manager Matt Huish, with additional presentations from the Clallam County Fair and the OTA Singers.

The menu for this luncheon will be a baked potato bar. Phone 360-683-6197 or email office@sequimchamber.com to RSVP and for further information.

Sequim Noon Rotary — Weekly hybrid lunch meetings Thursdays at 11:55 a.m. In person at The Big Elk Restaurant, 707 E. Washington St. in Sequim and online via Zoom.

Programs can be found on their website, https://www.sequimrotary.org. For a personal invitation to Zoom, email sequimrotary @gmail.com

• The Port Townsend Kiwanis Club — Meets in person at noon Wednesdays at the Highway 20 Roadhouse Restaurant, 2152 W. Sims Way, Port Townsend.

The Port Townsend Sunrise Rotary Club — Hybrid meetings Wednesdays at 7:15 a.m. In person at Grace Lutheran Church fellowship hall, 1120 Walker St., Port Townsend, and streaming on the Zoom platform.

For access to the Zoom meeting, email PTTownsendSunrise Rotary@gmail.com.

• The Rotary Club of East Jefferson County — Meets at noon Thursdays at the Tri-Area Community Center, 10 West Valley Road, Chimacum.


All of the above meetings are open to the public.

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EYE ON BUSINESS: This week’s meetings

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Todd Ortloff Show guests this week

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EYE ON BUSINESS: This week’s meetings

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Todd Ortloff Show guests this week

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EYE ON BUSINESS: This week’s meetings

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