Fund offers grants, welcomes donations

Grants from the COVID-19 Relief Fund continue to be issued and donations are always welcome.

“Though the OlyCAP offices remain physically closed, know that we are hard at work at our offices and in our homes trying to serve as many clients and partners as we can during this crisis,” said Cherish L. Cronmiller, OlyCAP executive director.

To apply for a grant, see the OlyCAP website at, by email at or contact an OlyCAP office by telephone.

• Clallam County residents can call 360-452-4726.

• Jefferson County residents can call 360-385-2571.

Leave a message in the voicemail box at either number, and a caseworker will call you back.

Donation checks must be written to the Peninsula Home Fund, but the funds go into COVID-19 Relief Fund.

To donate, write a check to the Peninsula Home Fund, attach it to the coupon that appears in today’s PDN and mail both items to Peninsula Home Fund, Peninsula Daily News, P.O. Box 1330, Port Angeles, WA 98362.

Checks and coupons also can be dropped though the PDN mail slot at the office at 305 W. First St., Port Angeles.

The office is closed to walk-in traffic to protect the health of employees and customers during the COVID-19 outbreak.

You can also contribute online with a credit card at, where a “donate to COVID-19 Relief Fund” button will direct you to the form that was for the 2019 Peninsula Home Fund.

Despite the label on the form, it will get donations to the right place to be used for virus impact relief. Like the Peninsula Home Fund, no money will be deducted by the Peninsula Daily News for administration fees or any other overhead.

Every penny will go to OlyCAP, which will use 10 percent to help pay for services.

All contributions are federally tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law for the year in which the check is written.

Your personal information is kept confidential. PDN does not rent, sell, give or otherwise share your address or other information with anyone or make any other use of it.

If you have any questions about the fund, call Publisher Terry R. Ward at 360-417-3500 or email

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