EYE ON THE PENINSULA: Counties to view Sekiu sewer line contract, South Couty projects

Government meetings across the North Olympic Peninsula

The boards of local government agencies will meet next week on the North Olympic Peninsula.

Clallam County

The three Clallam County commissioners will consider on Tuesday awarding a contract to Bruch & Bruch Construction, Inc. for $1.5 million for the downtown Sekiu sewer main replacement project.

The commissioners’ work session, at 9 a.m. Monday, will preview items set for action at their formal meeting, which starts at 10 a.m. Tuesday.

The hybrid meetings are in the county commissioners meeting room in the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles.

The meetings can be viewed online at https://www.clallamcountywa.gov/669/Live-Archived-Meetings-Online.

To participate via Zoom video, visit https://zoom.us/j/875561784.

To listen only, call 253-2125-8782 then enter meeting ID 875 561 7844 and passcode 12345.

County Public Works personnel have recommend that Bruch & Bruch be awarded the $1,508,991.73 contrct for the Sekiu sewer main project.

Commissioners also will discuss the quarterly income report with Mona Griswold, Jill DeCianne and Drew Rosanbalm from the Department of Natural Resources during their weekly work session Monday.

Agenda items include:

• A call for a public hearing at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 12, regarding the records fees schedule from the county’s consolidated fee schedule.

• A call for a public hearing at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 12, regarding the proposed sign ordinance.

• A status report regarding hearing examiner services provided by Sound Law Center, LLC.

• A call for bids for the Lake Pleasant piling replacement project; bids must be received by 10 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 3.

• A resolution to temporarily close Sekiu River Road between milepost 0.46 and milepost 0.535 for three calendar days between Sept. 18 and Sept. 29 for repairs to the road and replacement of a broken cross drain.

• An agreement with Clallam Public Utility District and NOANet to manage two grants for broadband service west of Laird’s Corner to the west side of Joyce.

• A federal WaterSMART grant for upstream infrastructure to support the Dungeness Off-Channel Reservoir project.

• An agreement with the Olympic Peninsula Visitors Bureau for $6,000 to reimburse expenses related to marketing the Clallam County Fair.

• An agreement with the state Recreation and Conservation Office for $25,000 to replace canoes and provide improved aquatic safety at Camp David Jr.

• A resolution appointing the Department of Community Development as the fiscal agent for the North Olympic Lead Entity for Salmon.

• Opening of bids for the lower Dungeness River level slope repair project.

• A call for a public hearing at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 5, regarding the repeal of county code chapter 3.35 Voters’ Pamphlet.

• A call for a public hearing at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 5, regarding an amendment to county code chapter 5.05 Sales and Use Tax for Chemical Dependency and Mental Health Treatment.

• A call for a public hearing at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 5, regarding county code chapter 5.40 Opportunity Fund Program.

The meeting agendas are posted at https://www.clallamcountywa.gov/AgendaCenter.

Public comment may be sent to agores@co.clallam.wa.us.

Other Clallam meetings:

• The Clallam County Marine Resources Committee will meet at 5:30 p.m. Monday.

The hybrid meeting is in Room 160 of the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St. Port Angeles.

To join the meeting online, visit https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85314804485.

To listen only, call 253-215-8782 then enter meeting ID 853 1480 4485 and passcode 12345.

• The Noxious Weed Control Board will meet at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday.

The hybrid meeting is in Room 160 in the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles.

To join the meeting online, visit https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88141537017.

To listen only, call 253-205-0468 and enter meeting ID 881 4153 7017; no passcode is needed.

Jefferson County

The three Jefferson County commissioners will conduct a workshop regarding the lower Big Quilcene riverscape restoration project, the Linger Longer bridge grant and the Hood Canal salmon enhancement group when they meet at 9 a.m. Monday.

The hybrid meeting is at the commissioners chambers in the Jefferson County Courthouse, 1820 Jefferson Street, Port Townsend.

To view the meeting live go to www.co.jefferson.wa.us and follow the links under “Quick Links: Videos of Meetings-Streaming Live.”

To join the meeting online go to https://zoom.us/j/93777841705.

To listen only call 1-253-215-8782 and enter access code 937-7784-1705#.

Public comments emailed to jeffbocc@co.jefferson.wa.us will be included in the minutes, but no longer read aloud during the meeting; comments may still be made via Zoom or telephone.

Commissioners also will discuss the quarterly income report with Mona Griswold, Jill DeCianne and Drew Rosanbalm from the Department of Natural Resources.

The commissioners will hear a briefing on Public Works capital transportation program from Eric Kuzma and Monte Reinders and conduct a workshop regarding the Hoh River resiliency – Lindner Complex reach agreement.

Items on the consent agenda include a resolution regarding various payroll schedules; and an interlocal agreement between Jefferson County Public Health, the state Department of Health, Clallam County Public Health and Kitsap County Public Health for data-sharing on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Syndromic Surveillance Program;

The full agenda can be viewed at www.co.jefferson.wa.us by following the link under “Quick Links: Videos of Meetings-Streaming Live.”

Hadlock sewer

• Jefferson Board of County Commissioners will participate in the ground-breaking for the Port Hadlock sewer project at 6 p.m. Tuesday.

The in-person event is at 236 Lopeman Road, Port Hadlock.

Port of Port Angeles

Port of Port Angeles commissioners will meet at 9 a.m. Tuesday.

The hybrid meeting is at the port commission, 338 W. First St. Port Angeles.

To join the meeting online, visit https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87882645670.

To listen only, call 1-253-215-8782 and enter webinar ID 878 8264 5670; no passcode is required.

Comments may be submitted until 8 a.m. Tuesday to braedib@portofpa.com or by calling 360 461-9515.

The agenda is expected to be posted at https://portofpa.com/about-us/agenda-center.

Jefferson PUD

Jefferson County Public Utility District commissioners will conduct a special meeting at 10 a.m. Tuesday.

The hybrid meeting is in the PUD offices at 310 Four Corners Road, Port Townsend.

To join the meeting online, visit www.zoom.us/my/jeffcopud or call 833-548-0282, meeting ID 4359992575#.

The agenda is expected to be posted at https://jeffpud.communitybydiligent.com/Portal/.

Clallam Transit

Clallam Transit board will conduct a public hearing reading the transit development plan when they meet at 10 a.m. Wednesday.

The hearing is in the Clallam Transit System administration building at 830 W. Lauridsen Blvd., Port Angeles.

The full agenda is expected to be posted at https://www. clallamtransit.com/board- agendapackets.

Port Townsend city

The Port Townsend City Council will conduct a public hearing regarding a possible corrective action plan for the Fort Worden Public Development Authority when it meets at 6 p.m. Monday.

The hybrid meeting will be in council chambers at historic City Hall, 540 Water St., Port Townsend.

To view the meeting live, go to www.cityofpt.us/citycouncil/page/agendasminutesvideos. To join the meeting, go to www.joinwebinar.com and enter the webinar ID 578-066-435. To listen only, call 360-390-5064 and use access code 942-105-283#.

Written comments received at publiccomment@cityofpt.us more than two hours before the meeting will be attached to the council meeting record; public comments will not be read aloud during the meeting.

The full agenda is posted at https://cityofpt.us/citycouncil/page/agendasminutesvideos.

Chimacum schools

The Chimacum School Board will meet at 6 p.m. Wednesday.

The board meets in room 702 at Chimacum Elementary School, 91 West Valley Road, Chimacum.

To join the meeting visit csd49.zoom.us/j/82679232108 or dial 1-253-215-8782, meeting ID: 826 7923 2108.

The agenda and meeting link are expected to be posted at go.boarddocs.com/wa/chimacum/board.nsf/public.

Port Angeles schools

The Port Angeles School Board will consider approving its 2023-2024 budget when it meets at 7 p.m. Thursday.

The board meets at Lincoln Center, 905 W. Ninth St., Port Angeles.

The agenda is expected to be posted at https://www.boarddocs.com/wa/pasd/Board.nsf/public.

Port Townsend schools

The Port Townsend School Board will conduct a board retreat from 3 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Thursday.

The retreat is in the Charles Pink House, 1256 Lawrence St., Port Townsend

The agenda is expected to be posted at https://go.boarddocs.com/wa/ptsd/Board.nsf/Public.

Sequim schools

The Sequim School Board will meet at 6 p.m. Monday.

The hybrid meeting is in the library at Sequim High School, 601 N. Sequim Ave., Sequim.

The agenda and meeting link are expected to be posted at https://go.boarddocs.com/wa/sequim/Board.nsf/vpublic?open.

Jefferson Healthcare

Jefferson Healthcare commissioners will meet at 2 p.m. Wednesday.

The hybrid meeting is in the executive conference room at Jefferson Healthcare, 834 Sheridan St., Port Townsend.

To listen only, dial 509-598-2842. The conference ID number is 613756871#.

The agenda is expected to be posted at https://jeffersonhealthcare.org/hospital-commission.

Fire Protection District 3

Clallam County Fire Protection District 3 commissioners will discuss the apparatus replacement plan during a special meeting at 1 p.m. Tuesday.

The hybrid meeting is in the district’s training and operations center, 255 Carlsborg Road, Sequim.

To join the meeting online, visit https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84401730144?pwd=Y2ZtS0wzSDFLVlVlTG9CUW9GdDVidz09.

The agenda is posted at https://ccfd3.org/about-the-district/board-of-commissioners/board-agendas-and-minutes.

The district covers the east side of Clallam County with a small portion in Jefferson County.

Quilcene Fire Rescue

The Quilcene Board of Fire Commissioners will consider participation in the Olympic Peninsula Fire Commissioners Association when they meet at 7 p.m. Monday

The hybrid meeting is in Station 21, 70 Herbert St., Quilcene.

To join the meeting online, visit https://us06web.zoom.us/j/5395075683.

The full agenda is posted at https://quilcenefirerescue.org.

Development authority board

The Fort Worden Public Development Authority board will meet at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday.

The hybrid meeting is in Commons B on Fort Worden, 200 Battery Way, Port Townsend.

The full agenda and meeting link are expected to be posted at https://fwpda.gov/AgendaCenter.

North Olympic Library Trustees

The North Olympic Library System Board of Trustees will meet at 5:30 p.m. Thursday.

The location of this month’s meeting has not been announced yet.

The meeting location, links and agenda are expected to be posted at https://www.nols.org/board-administration.

Water District 1

Jefferson County Water District 1 will meet at 6 p.m. Wednesday.

The district meets in the Paradise Bay Community Club, 141 W. Alder St., Port Ludlow.

Water District 1 serves Paradise Bay.

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