EYE ON JEFFERSON: Commissioners to consider action only meeting minutes

The three Jefferson County commissioners will consider authorizing action only meeting minutes when they meet at 9 a.m. Monday.

The meeting will be in commissioners’ chambers at the Jefferson County Courthouse, 1820 Jefferson St., Port Townsend. An executive session on potential litigation is set for 1:30 p.m.

Commissioners will consider the action only minutes for commissioner meetings with the exception of the public comment periods, public hearings, meetings not held in commissioners’ chambers and recorded on video and any other meeting as needed.

Items on the consent agenda include:

• An agreement on the accurate boundary between a private parcel and one owned by the county.

• A $5,000 professional services agreement with Apiary Digital for search engine optimization of the Jefferson County Public Health Family Planning Program.

Port Townsend City Council

The Port Townsend City Council will consider approving creating an agreement with AHBL for development of the Howard Street and Upper Sims Way Subarea Plan when it meets at 6:30 p.m. Monday.

The meeting will be in council chambers at historic City Hall, 540 Water St.

The council will consider authorizing grant applications for development and maintenance of the Port Townsend Loop Trail and adjacent trails and for the 21018 Pedestrian Bicycle Grant program and the Safe Routes to School grant program for Discovery Road improvements.

The council also will consider a bike month proclamation, a library volunteer appreciation month proclamation, a Main Street quarterly report, a Fort Worden Public Development Authority annual report, an ordinance adopting supplemental budget for capital projects and authorizing city membership in the Public Libraries of Washington.

Other city committee meetings, which are in conference rooms at City Hall, 250 Madison St., unless otherwise noted are:

• Historic Preservation Committee — 3 p.m. Tuesday, special meeting in the third-floor conference room.

• Lodging Tax Advisory Committee — 3 p.m. Wednesday, special meeting in the first-floor conference room.

• Civil Service Commission — 3:15 p.m., second-floor conference room.

• Hearing examiner public hearing — 1 p.m., on a setback variance for 1329 22nd St., City Council chambers at 540 Water St.

• City Council Ad Hoc Committee on Housing — 3 p.m., City Council chambers, 540 Water St.

Ferries meeting

Washington State Ferries will seek input on its long range plan at an open house at 5 p.m. Thursday.

The meeting will be at the Cotton Building, 607 Water St., Port Townsend.

The long range plan would serve as a guide for the next 22 years.

Attendees can meet project staff, ask questions and provide early input about issues to be addressed in the plan.

A quorum of Port Townsend City Council members may attend. No city business will be conducted.

Port Townsend schools

The Port Townsend School Board will review results of a Washington State School Directors Association board self-evaluation when it meets at 2 p.m. Thursday.

The special meeting will be in the Gael Stuart Building, 1610 Blaine St.

Quilcene School Board

The Quilcene School Board will meet at 6 p.m. Wednesday.

The board will meet in Room 9 at 294715 U.S. Highway 101.

An agenda was not available as of Saturday.

Jefferson Transit

Jefferson Transit board members will consider a renewal of a contract with PTeRider and a contract with a farmers market when they meet at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday.

The board will meet at the transit facility at 63 Four Corners Road.

They also will discuss an information technology reserve fund and a memorial.

Jefferson PUD

Jefferson County Public Utility District commissioners will consider a resolution increasing water rates when they meet at 5 p.m. Tuesday.

The meeting will be at 63 Four Corners Road.

They also will discuss solar energy options, telecom rates, an update on the public meetings act and changes in the travel policy.

Board of Health

The Jefferson County Board of Health will present Public Health Heroes awards when it meets at 2:30 p.m. Thursday.

The board will meet at the Pope Marine Building, 1000 Madison St., Port Townsend.

The awards will be presented beginning at 3:30 p.m.

The board also will consider county health rankings. It is expected to issue calls for public hearings on May 17 on a proposed environmental health fee surcharge and on a proposed amendment to the county code for one-site sewage systems.

East Jefferson Fire-Rescue

East Jefferson Fire-Rescue commissioners routinely meet the third Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m.

Meetings are at Station 1-5, 35 Critter Lane, Port Townsend.

No agenda was available for this Wednesday as of Saturday.

Development authority

The Fort Worden Public Development Authority Executive Committee will hear a Makers Square update when it meets at 9 a.m. Tuesday.

The meeting will be at Seminar Building 297 at Fort Worden.

The panel also will discuss the 2017 draft annual report for 2017, a capital budget request and master lease amendments.

Fire District 3

Clallam County Fire District 3 commissioners will discuss PenCom with Karl Hatton, regional emergency communications director, when they meet at 1 p.m. Tuesday.

Commissioners will meet at 323 N. Fifth Ave., Sequim.

They also will hear a presentation by county Assessor Pam Rushton and consider a service delivery study, wildland team call-out procedures and disposal of surplus property.

The district covers the east side of Clallam County with a small portion in Jefferson County.

Sequim schools

The Sequim School District will consider approving a $2.3 million limited general obligation bond when it meets at 6 p.m. Monday.

The board will meet at the district office, 503 N. Sequim Ave.

The regular meeting will be preceded by an executive session at 5 p.m. to discuss personnel. No action is expected.

It will consider issuing a $2,295,000 bond to fund renovation of the central kitchen facility and other purposes.

It also will consider final approval of a policy prohibiting corporal punishment and of a policy on contracts. It will consider on first reading policies concerning roll call votes, special instructional programs and parent and student rights in administration of surveys.

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