PORT ANGELES — Veteran Master Gardener Bob Cain will provide insight on plant disease and insect problems that have emerged in the recent past and that might affect future gardening in Western Washington at noon Thursday.
The free hourlong presentation, which is part of the Green Thumb Garden Tips education series sponsored by the WSU Clallam County Master Gardeners, will be in the county commissioners’ meeting room (160) at the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles.
Cain will discuss new pests reported by clients at the Master Gardener plant clinics throughout the past few years as well as from data collected by the WSU and USDA pest alert networks.
He will cover pests and diseases that might attack tree fruit, soft fruit and berries, vegetables and ornamental plants and shrubs.
Cain will explain how to identify these problems, how to closely monitor crops and ornamental plants, and where to find information about how to stop a widespread infestation or disease outbreak.
Cain writes a monthly article on plant disease and pest problems for the Clallam County Master Gardener newsletter and is a frequent contributor to local newspaper gardening columns.
A Master Gardeners since 2009, Cain has more than 50 years of gardening experience.
He is the 2009 Master Gardener Intern of the Year and 2011 Master Gardener of the Year. He served as the garden manager of the Woodcock Demonstration Garden for five years and is a past president of the Master Gardener Foundation of Clallam County.
The Master Gardener Green Thumb Garden Tips series is on the second and fourth Thursday of each month.