LETTER:Slow down

Hello everyone. I’m not sure if everyone is aware but, the paper mill in Port Angeles is fully staffed and operational.

Which means we have actual human beings working here.

They live amongst us.

They have families and friends in the community, right here in Port Angeles.

The reason I’m letting people know this is it seems as though the speeding vehicles on Marine Drive haven’t received that message.

The speeding vehicles have not received the message that you are supposed to stop at crosswalks and not drive around your neighbor in the blinking light crosswalk.

Also, we have all kinds of human beings walking, jogging, biking on the trail.

Sometimes they have their kids or family pets with them.

That being said, please take your neighbors, friends and family into consideration when driving on Marine Drive.

Slow down.

Our lives and the lives of your neighbors depend on it.

I would gladly invite Port Angeles Police Department to come on down to Marine Drive.

For the extra revenue, of course.

Jennifer Moreno

Port Angeles