PORT ANGELES — The Social Norm’s Social Club for YOUth will host its inaugural GAYLA, an Alternative Prom Formal Dance, from 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday.
The GAYLA will be held in the social hall of the First United Methodist Church at Seventh and Laurel streets in Port Angeles. It is open to all ages from middle school and above. There is no cost to attend. The GAYLA is a drug- and alcohol-free event.
“We invite youth, young adults and our community to celebrate the end of school, beginning of summer, Pride month and our beautiful diversity,” said Abby Bohman, director of Social Norms and Community Engagement at the church.
To aid in planning, people are invited to RSVP to the event on Facebook at facebook.com/socialnormans or by emailing Bohman at abby.fumc.norms@gmail.com.
Formal or costume wear is encouraged, and people are invited to check the Social Norm’s costume closet for lightly used formal attire.
To access the Social Norm’s closet prior to the event, people should contact Bohman at 360-452-8971 or by email.
The closet will be open during the GAYLA.
The Social Norm’s Youth Art Gallery will be open throughout the event, featuring works from the recent Juan de Fuca Festival’s Community Youth Gallery: Power & Potential.
The dance will have special guests including local DJ/musician Noah Smith, aka “DJ O.M. GUSHHH,” fashion designer and drag performer Blake McCabe, as well as PA Panto’s Morgan Bartholick-LeMaire, as his widely-loved persona, “Gitta.”
“This event is sponsored and supported by the Port Angeles First United Methodist Church, the Social Norm’s Social Club, and by youth and young adults of the Port Angeles community,” Bohman said.
“This event is for everyone.”
People interested in supporting this event, or the Social Norm’s Social Club, are invited to contact Bohman.
To learn more about Social Norm’s at First United Methodist Church, see the Facebook page.