County Commission

Jefferson County approves updated social media policy

The Board of Jefferson County commissioners approved an updated social media policy, updating oversight controls and policies regarding Facebook comments being filtered.… Continue reading

Greg Brotherton.
Greg Brotherton.

Encampment at Jefferson County Fairgrounds may be moved

Commissioners to discuss options at special meeting Thursday

Shelter offered through August

Social Distancing Center averaging 36 per night

The Clallam County COVID-19 Social Distancing Center is shown Sunday. (Rob Ollikainen/Peninsula Daily News)
The Clallam County COVID-19 Social Distancing Center is shown Sunday. (Rob Ollikainen/Peninsula Daily News)

Clallam County to address recreational vehicles

Possible ordinance may limit living quarters based on lot size

Jefferson County settles social media lawsuit

Policy changes to follow allegation of First Amendment violation

Jefferson County commissioners approve Comprehenive Plan docket

Community Development to work through proposed code changes through fall