The Labor Day campout was just another example of the shrinking middle class: no au jus with our prime rib!
News items for the North Olympic Peninsula
Bill Sycalik is commemorating the National Park Service centennial with runs in every national park.
The hearing marks the latest development in the McCleary case — a 2012 ruling that said the Legislature has failed to fully fund education.
The Sequim lodge raised over $5,000 in a July 4 event, Americans Helping Our Disabled Veterans and Their Families.
Authorities do not suspect foul play, and an autopsy is planned.
The free event held by the Clallam County Historical Society will display the lower level of the school, the newly renovated research library and the artifact storage facility.
Melissa Click, let go after interfering with journalists and police during student protests, has been hired to a communication studies lecturer job.
District plans to use donated funds to buy individual packs for Community Emergency Response Teams.
Doug Hendrickson began Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) at Salt Creek Farm in 1993.
To those who believe in “The Donald,” I suggest shaking the sand out of your ears.
The Metta Room will host the funk-soul group from Reno, Nev.
The 15th annual Bear Creek Chili Cook-Off and Potluck will be this Saturday at the Hungry Bear Cafe west of the Bear Creek Bridge on U.S. Highway 101.
Hand-crafted, natural fruit wines can now be found at PA farmers market.
Sequim resident Ingrid Nixon is headed to the 44th annual National Storytelling Festival this October in Jonesborough, Tenn.
Riley Edge White is being held in the Clallam County jail on $150,000 bond following an alleged attack Aug. 27 that injured a woman who rented a room at his residence.
Information is to be mailed as soon as possible to an estimated 1.5 million people who created customer profiles in the state license system before July 2006.
Every Kid in a Park gives students, and those accompanying them, free access to park areas — including Olympic National Park.
The Olympic Natural Resources Center will host a mobile planetarium Saturday, and on Sept. 13, a talk will be given on ocean acidification and algal blooms.
The 39-foot clinic on wheels travels the state providing services to children in need of dental care.