‘You don’t have to die to feel better’
A scar on Michelle Fox’s chest serves as a reminder of the darkest day in her life: the day she shot herself… Continue reading
State Highway 112 reopened this morning after being closed by flooding Tuesday near Pillar Point Road. The rising waters closed Highway 112 in… Continue reading
The Port Angeles City Council has directed staff to add safety barriers for the Eighth Street bridges to the city’s capital facilities… Continue reading
Two free community Thanksgiving feasts on the North Olympic Peninsula are scheduled on Thanksgiving eve. The Salvation Army in Port Angeles will serve a free… Continue reading
Road work will be on hiatus from today through Friday on U.S. Highway 101, although travelers will find short delays at traffic… Continue reading
A convicted felon suspected of selling drugs out of area motels and carrying a handgun has been charged with drug crimes and… Continue reading
Harbor seals, sea lions and some fish-eating orcas have been rebounding along the Northeast Pacific Ocean in… Continue reading
I’LL NEVER FORGET the first time I saw a Sasquatch. It was Feb. 28, 1970-something. I know the date because that was back when the… Continue reading
Transit’s new bus route to Bainbridge Island saw a drop in ridership in
October, averaging 7.2 boardings per departure for the… Continue reading
Two community feasts on the North Olympic Peninsula will celebrate Thanksgiving with a free meal the day before. On Thanksgiving Eve, the Salvation Army in… Continue reading
Someone in Port Angeles is taking potshots in the city with a BB gun and, in one recent case, a gun that… Continue reading
A Port Angeles man who barricaded himself inside his west Port Angeles home was in a five-hour standoff Sunday with police before… Continue reading
Beyond a name, “Lou Lawrence” seems to carry a meaning all its own. “She was kind of a presence on her own,”… Continue reading
Landscaping for a waterfall restoration project at Pioneer Memorial Park was begun last week. Mayor Dennis Smith planted a tri-colored dogwood tree while… Continue reading
The Olympic Peninsula-Port Angeles Kampgrounds of America Campground earned the 2018 KOA President’s Award. The award was presented during KOA’s annual International… Continue reading
U.S. Highway 101 is closed at milepost 228 near Barnes Creek to milepost 232 near Fisher Cove Road from 9 a.m. to… Continue reading
A U.S. Coast Guard helicopter crew from Air Station Port Angeles located and hoisted one of two missing wind surfers Sunday afternoon. A… Continue reading
With reference to “GOP at war,” and “Protecting speech,” (PDN, Nov. 12): Oh, the irony. We just celebrated Veterans Day and today, we are treated… Continue reading
Port of Port Angeles commissioners will consider approving a 2018 budget as well as a 1 percent increase in its property tax… Continue reading
Tickets are available for the Parenting Matters Foundation’s Breakfast with Santa on Saturday, Dec. 2. The breakfast will be from 8:30 a.m. to… Continue reading