PORT ANGELES -- Cancer specialist Dr. Robert Witham has filed a federal lawsuit against Olympic Medical Center, resurrecting accusations of unfair competition that he first… Continue reading
PORT ANGELES -- The city's archaeologist, Derek Beery, intends to employ specially trained dogs to sniff for human remains at least a century old for… Continue reading
PORT ANGELES Â-- Preliminary information from an archaeological survey shows a medium to high statistical probability that Native American artifacts or remains are present under… Continue reading
PORT ANGELES -- Plans for a new Border Patrol headquarters on the North Olympic Peninsula will be delayed for the foreseeable future and could inhibit… Continue reading
PORT ANGELES -- Twice a day, Border Patrol officers step onto buses operated by Olympic Bus Lines at the company's Discovery Bay stop between Port… Continue reading
PORT TOWNSEND -- A plan to cut the drawdown of new wells by tenfold compared to currently allowed levels in the Quilcene-Snow watershed got a… Continue reading
PORT ANGELES -- Cashier Catherine Betts has been identified as the Clallam County employee under investigation of embezzling more than $1,500 from the county Treasurer's… Continue reading
PORT ANGELES -- Cashier Catherine Betts has been identified as the Clallam County employee under investigation for first-degree theft of more than $1,500 from the… Continue reading
PORT ANGELES -- Clallam Transit's no-bid selection of Jack Heckman to manage parking at The Gateway transit center was linked to the agency's purchase of… Continue reading
PORT ANGELES -- Clallam Transit's new $14.7 million Gateway transit center is awash in parking spaces, but just 30 of 174 are free -- fewer… Continue reading
PORT ANGELES Â-- A special state audit of the Clallam County Treasurer's Office that began June 4 will take at least three more weeks and… Continue reading
PORT ANGELES -- A Clallam County Treasurer's Office employee currently under criminal investigation allegedly stole far more than the $1,500 needed to file a charge… Continue reading
PORT ANGELES -- Robert Gene Covarrubias' new first-degree murder trial should be delayed so DNA testing can be conducted on fingernail clippings, underwear and blood… Continue reading
PORT ANGELES -- Clallam County Superior Court Judge George Wood will rule Monday whether Robert Gene Covarrubias' new first-degree murder trial should be delayed past… Continue reading
PORT ANGELES -- A Clallam County Treasurer's Office employee has been placed on administrative leave in the wake of a criminal investigation into the first-degree… Continue reading
PORT ANGELES -- Three state Auditor's Office investigators will interview Clallam County Treasurer Judy Scott on Thursday as part of a criminal investigation into the… Continue reading
PORT ANGELES -- The state Auditor's Office will begin a detailed audit of Clallam County Treasurer's Office finances on Thursday with an in-person interview of… Continue reading
PORT ANGELES -- The state Auditor's Office, Port Angeles police and the Clallam County Sheriff's Department are investigating the possible felony theft of more than… Continue reading
EDITOR'S NOTE-- This is the second article in a two-part series. The first article, which was published Sunday, is available at www.peninsuladailynews.com. PORT ANGELES --… Continue reading
EDITOR'S NOTE -- This is the first article in a two-part series. The second article will appear Monday. PORT ANGELES -- The Valley Creek and… Continue reading