Pat Neal

PAT NEAL: Olympic Peninsula summer driving guide

IT’S TIME ONCE again for the Olympic Peninsula summer driving guide. With the approach of the three-day Memorial Day weekend, we are about to face… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: The funding crisis

IT WAS ANOTHER tough week in the news. The Peninsula Daily News outdoors column last Friday, “WDFW facing severe shortfall,” from Jerry Cornfield of The… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: The spud and I

THERE ARE FEW things more enjoyable to a gardener that planting potatoes. They are easy to plant. In fact, you can often just replant the… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: Sequim Irrigation Festival time again

IT’S TIME ONCE again for the Sequim Irrigation Festival, where we commemorate water being brought to the Sequim Prairie. This is the oldest community celebration… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: The evils of rock stacking

IT WAS DAYLIGHT on the river with a heavy fog hugging close to the water. As the sky grew lighter the outline of the distant… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: Celebrating April Fools’ week

THROUGHOUT THE YEARS, I’ve had enough April Fools’ jokes, pranks and poisonings played on me to make me dread this so-called holiday like the curse… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: The Olympic Peninsula Treasure Hunt

OVER THE YEARS there have been many stories, legends and fables of lost treasures buried in the Olympic Peninsula. The most famous of which is… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: The sometimes soggy search for fire

“I AM A woodland fellow, sir, that always loved a great fire.” How often I have remembered this line uttered by a clown in a… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: Feeling love for the new guy

DEAR MR. NEW Guy, According to a recent press release you have been chosen as the new director of the state Department of Fish and… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: The early tourist season

ALL OF YOU people who were complaining about the unseasonably nasty weather can knock it off at any time. Say what you want about a… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: The signs of spring

I REMEMBER THAT first hint of springtime. It was long before the first skunk cabbage poked its garish head above the pond scum. It was… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: A solution for Sequim elk

IT WAS ANOTHER tough week in the news. State wildlife officials have proposed eliminating 25 of the estimated 40 elk residing in Sequim because of… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: S.O.S., Save Our Sasquatch

IT’S TIME TO stop the endless media barrage of negativity and celebrate what’s right with America. We should remember the words of that great American… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: My funny valentine

DO YOU BELIEVE in love at first sight? I’m certain that it happens all the time. All I know is what happened to me is… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: Clamming the night tides

I’VE ALWAYS BEEN terrible at following my own advice. Maybe I was too busy fishing but I didn’t get a flu shot this year. Then… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: The day after the subduction

EDITORS NOTE: This month marks the 318th anniversary of the Jan. 26, 1700 Cascadia Subduction event that produced a magnitude 9 megathrust earthquake and associated… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: Steelhead fishing in the good old days

WINTER MUST BE my favorite time of year. There are no bugs. The air is clear and that’s when we fish for the winter steelhead.… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: Fish, orca and humans all doomed

WHEN I’M WRONG I’m wrong and I ain’t ashamed to admit it. I used to think there was not one single living politician in America… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: A new cure for cabin fever

THE HOLIDAYS ARE over. Only the mess remains. Not being one to put off until tomorrow what can be put off for today, it’s time… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: New Year resolutions pointless to keep

BY NOW WE’VE all had it up to here with newspaper pundits preaching New Year’s resolutions that they have no intention of keeping themselves. Traditionally,… Continue reading