Pat Neal

PAT NEAL: The space race

THIS IS A momentous week in the history of the United States. It was just 50 years ago on July 20, 1969, that America put… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: A berry good time

THIS IS THE season we wait for all year when you can walk into almost any patch of woods or meadow and stuff your gullet… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: ‘Lord of the Flies,’ in a raft

IT WAS WRONG to assert in last week’s column that, “Stereotyping and profiling have no place on a nature float. Unless you are talking about… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: Youngsters on the river

THIS IS A magical time of year when you see a lot of youngsters on the river. It started with a hatch of merganser chicks… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: Wildlife roulette

THERE’S A CERTAIN tension in the woods these days. The animals are nervous, as if they have something to hide. They do. There is a… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: The Circus is Coming to Town

THE CIRCUS IS coming to town! No, this one doesn’t involve caged animals. It’s even worse. This is a bureaucratic circus for the enjoyment of… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: The woodpecker war, continued

THEY SAY THERE’S no place like home, that home is where your heart is and every man’s home is his castle. All of which may… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: The woodpecker war

IT’S NESTING SEASON in this bird watcher’s paradise we call the Olympic Peninsula. Many rare and colorful species of our feathered friends are raising their… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: The all new First Salmon Ceremony

IT WAS ANOTHER tough week in the news. A historic event we’ve all been waiting for finally came to pass. It was a media circus… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: Wilderness crime fighters

IT WAS ANOTHER tough week in the news. As spring blossoms into summer, the residents of the Olympic Peninsula are able to observe the seasonal… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: Bigfoot believes in me

A RECENT OPINION poll on the Peninsula Daily News website asked, “Sasquatch: Real or myth?” A more appropriate question, given the recent one-day opening of… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: It’s May Day

MAY DAY IS much more than just another pagan festival celebrating the return of the sun or a communist country’s excuse for a parade. May… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: Device deprivation disorder

ON SOME OF these clear spring days you just know summer is on the way. Maybe it’s the seasonally adjusted gas prices that tell you… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: More moratorium mumbo jumbo

IT WAS ANOTHER tough week in the news. Despite years of headlines proclaiming the return of the salmon to the Elwha, the fishing moratorium was… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: It’s time for the best Arbor Day ever

HAPPY ARBOR DAY! Here’s hoping the joy of this most special day fills your heart with love and appreciation for the trees and all they… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: A marmot lover’s dream

IT WAS ANOTHER tough week in the news with rising concerns about economic uncertainty, constitutional crisis and the ever-present threat of climate change rearing their… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: The feast of fools

IT’S ALMOST TIME once again for that favorite holiday of the year, April Fools’ Day. It’s a holiday where we share the ridiculous nature of… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: Setting salmon seasons

WHO SAYS THERE is no good news anymore? A March 14 article in the Peninsula Daily News sports section reported that the coho salmon quota… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: The skunk cabbage; the real state flower

IT’S SPRINGTIME IN the lowlands. You can tell because folks are back to cussing the rain instead of the snow. It’s been said the Eskimos… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: Looking on the bright side of snow

MAYBE THE BIRDS know something we don’t: that spring is just around the corner. The unseasonably cold weather has not stopped them from enjoying their… Continue reading