PORT ANGELES — Port Townsend’s Ian Fraser, in only his third marathon, won the first-ever North Olympic Discovery Marathon on Sunday.
Fraser, a fast learner who captured third place in his first two marathons — Vancouver and Victoria — ran the 26.2-mile course between Sequim and Port Angeles in a sizzling two hours, 35 minutes and 56 seconds.
The 29-year-old former college miler who graduated from Port Townsend High School in 1992 was in a three-man race at about the midway point when he turned on the after-burners and left them behind.
“There was someone in our (leader) group who wanted to run it in 2:40, so I was just trying to help him out,” Fraser said with a smile.
The rest of the story appears in the Monday Peninsula Daily News. Click on SUBSCRIBE, above, to get the PDN delivered to your home or office.