Candidates in contested Clallam races raise more than $200,000

PORT ANGELES — Campaign financial reports filed as of Friday with the state Public Disclosure Commission show contested Clallam County candidates spending $137,000 from more than $200,000 in contributions and loans in their quests to claim victory in Tuesday’s general elections.

Republican Clallam County Prosecuting Attorney Mark Nichols has raised $33,182, the most of any candidate, without loaning or contributing funds — not including in-kind contributions — by relying heavily on out-of-state contributions, with eight of his 10 largest contributors from the Washington, D.C.-Virginia area.

Nichols is running against former county Treasurer Selinda Barkhuis, who by comparison has raised $8,155 and has stated no party preference.

She has received $2,000 from the Clallam County Democratic Central Committee, the largest single North Olympic Peninsula contribution to any candidate, not including money the candidates have contributed to their own campaigns.

Republican Clallam County Commissioner Bill Peach, running against Democrat Mike Doherty, a former commissioner, is financing his campaign with a $20,000 loan, the bulk of his $22,675 campaign fund and by far the largest loan of any candidate.

The PDC is processing two complaints against him, one over his late reporting of the loan to the PDC and the other for not providing full details on other expenditures.

Below is a list of contributors of $100 or more in contested Clallam County races on the general election ballot that must be postmarked by Tuesday or is due in dropboxes or at the Clallam County Courthouse by 8 p.m. Tuesday.

The contributions and expenditures are at the PDC website at

Click on county, judicial or special (for public utility district candidates) for information on specific candidates.

Clallam County Commissioner, District 3

Mike Doherty

Total contributions and loans: $16,759.

Cash contributions: $9,845.

Small contributions ($25 or less): $720.

Anonymous contributions: $0.

In-kind contributions: $3,018.

Loans: $3,896.

Expenditures: $9,909

Debt: $0.


$2,913 (in kind): Mike Doherty, Port Angeles.

$1,000: Makah Tribal Council, Neah Bay; Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, Port Angeles.

$756: Mike Doherty.

$500: Sylvia Hancock, Sequim; Ed Schreiner, Linda Schreiner, Port Angeles.

$200: Patricia Johansen, Sequim.

$150: Lorrie Mittmann, Paul Gleeson, Gene Turner, Norma Turner, Port Angeles; Brian Grad, Sequim.

$100: Brian Grad, Sam Woods, Joyce Wheeler, Timothy Wheeler, Joan Doonan, Carlyn Syvanen, Stephen Vause, Kathleen Cooper, Sue Chickman, Robert Lynette, Sequim; Frank Cavanaugh, Scott Price, Mary M. Doherty, John Warder, John Marrs, Marie Marrs, Kris Grier, Ed Chadd, Sandra Balch, Ken Jacobson, Port Angeles; Michael Rossotto, Seattle; Jim Hoppe, Joyce.

Bill Peach

Total contributions and loans: $22,675.

Cash contributions: $2,675.

Small contributions ($25 or less): $25.

Anonymous contributions: $0.

In-kind contributions: $50.

Loans: $20,000.

Expenditures: $16,971.

Debt: $0.


$500: Clallam County Republicans, John D. Crow, John T. Crow, Port Angeles; James Buck, Joyce.

$200: Carrol Lunsford, Forks; Glenn Wiggins, Grant Munro, Port Angeles.

Port Angeles-area Clallam County District Court 1

Suzanne Hayden

Total contributions and loans: $25,510 (including $546 starting balance).

Cash contributions: $23,964.

Small contributions ($25 or less): $145.

Anonymous contributions: $923.

In-kind contributions: $9,110.

Loans: $1,000.

Expenditures: $11,842.

Debt: $218.


$9,766: Suzanne Hayden, Port Angeles.

$9,042 (in-kind contribution): Suzanne Hayden, Port Angeles.

$1,021: Mary J. Duncan, Sequim.

$1,000: Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe, Sequim.

$500: Johnson Rutz Tassie & Schwantor PLLC, Port Angeles.

$300: Seth Larson, Sequim.

$207: Rachel Ringer, Port Angeles.

$200: E.F. Turner, Port Angeles; Nathan B. Schiecher, Port Angeles.

$100: Charles Mawson, Sequim; Chris Kradjan, Port Angeles.

Dave Neupert

Total contributions and loans: $14,725.

Cash contributions: $8,725.

Small contributions ($25 or less): $125.

Anonymous contributions: $0.

In-kind contributions: $0.

Loans: $6,000.

Expenditures: $8,086.

Debt: $0.


$3,600: Dave Neupert, Port Angeles.

$300: Brent Powell, Port Angeles.

$250: Gordon F. Kapke, Nancy S. Kapke, Sequim; Richard Kott, John C. Brewer, Port Angeles.

$200: Debra M. Pitts, Sequim; Richard Manning, Port Angeles; Schodowski Law Inc. PS, Port Townsend.

$125: Michael S. Maxwell, Barbara Maxwell, Port Angeles.

$100: William M. Hannah, Marjorie H. Hannah, Liz Zenonian, Chet Burley, Sequim; Grant Munro, Amy D. Powell, Brent Powell, Suzanne Orr, Mary Irwin, Orr Revocable Trust DT, Julie Vignes, Port Angeles; Richard Davies, Ben Critchlow, Port Townsend.

Prosecuting Attorney-Coroner

Selinda Barkhuis

Total contributions and loans: $8,155.

Cash contributions: $8,155.

Small contributions ($25 or less): $0.

Anonymous contributions: $20.

In-kind contributions: $0.

Loans: $0.

Expenditures: $7,805.

Debt: $0.


$2,000: Clallam County Democratic Central Committee, Port Angeles.

$500: Michael Hagen, Port Angeles; Kathryn Grosz, Sequim.

$350: Therese Stokan, Neah Bay.

$250: Clifford H. Tassie, Port Angeles; Steven Fager, Sequim.

$200: Eugene F. Turner, Norma E. Turner, Port Angeles.

$150: Florence “Jennie” Peterson, Sequim.

$125: Betty M. Cook, William Anthony Cook, E.F. Turner, N. E. Turner, Port Angeles.

$100: Dale T. Wilson, Selinda Barkhuis, Clallam Progressive Coalition, Leroy L. Martin, Olympic Peninsula Progressives, Marie Trillingham, Jane Vanderhoof, Peter Vanderhoof, Port Angeles; Jack M. Janis, Patricia J. Johansen, Karen J. Renk, Russell R. Renk, Sequim; Katherine K. Krueger, Forks.

Mark Nichols

Total contributions and loans: $$33,182.

Cash contributions: $$33,182.

Small contributions ($25 or less): $0.

Anonymous contributions: $0.

In-kind contributions: $1,360.

Loans: $0.

Expenditures: $27,032.

Debt: $0.


$1,360 (in-kind): Mark Nichols, Port Angeles.

$700: Rob Tulloch, Port Angeles.

$500: Todd Irwin, Mary Irwin, John Crow, Port Angeles; Clallam County Republican Party, Richard Erickson, Port Angeles; Ron Tucker, Sequim.

$260: Jan Hendrickson, Ken Hendrickson, Port Angeles.

$250: Marjorie Upham, Patty Rosand, John Brewer, Paul Martin, Port Angeles; Brown Maloney, Sequim.

$200: Debra Pitts, Bertha Coooper, Sequim; Doc Reiss, Port Angeles.

$155: David Lehmer, Jayna Lehmer, Sequim.

$150: Shenna Younger, Sequim; Matthew Rainwater, Port Angeles; Peter Heisel, Sequim.

$100: Kaj Ahburg, Grant Munro, Danetta Rutten, Bruce O’Rourke, Jason Ray, Port Angeles; Ellen Patrie, Andre Baritelle, Sequim; Tim Fletcher, Forks.


Bill Benedict

Total contributions and loans: $19,458.

Cash contributions: $19,458.

Small contributions ($25 or less): $0.

Anonymous contributions: $30.

In-kind contributions: $1,543.

Loans: $0.

Expenditures: $15,236.

Debt: $0.


$2,000: Bill Benedict.

$1,043 (in-kind contributions): Bill Benedict.

$1,000: Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe, Sequim; Linda Crow, John Crow, Port Angeles.

$500: Leslie Mark, Ken Gross, Sequim.

$250: Candy Diesen, Kevin Estes, Joan Estes, David Chen, Kelly Chen, Pilar Tucker, Don Tucker, Bob Greer, Helga McGee, Sequim; Eileen Schmitz, Carlsborg; John Brewer, Steve Deuterman, Port Angeles.

$200: Chris Coolures, Nicole Clark, Joann Alstrup, Eric Mahnerd, Suzanne Gross, Sequim; Tom Beard, David Miller, Port Angeles.

$150: Mike McAleer, Sequim.

$125: William Paulbitski, Rinchelle Paulbitski, Patricia Meyers, David Meyers, Dale Hackney, Linda Hackney, Sequim.

$100: Carol Johnson, Steve Olsen, Steve Kernes, Cherie Kidd, Kaj Ahlburg, Ted Groves, Randy Alderson, Port Angeles; Bob Lampert, Joann Vanaken, John Meyers, William Dickin, Diane Church-Smith, Pam Dickin, Adine Kretschmer, Keith Dretschmer, Charlotte Elkins, Jan Tatom, Leonard Hirschfield, Brendon Carmody, Debra M. Pitts, Thomas Coonelly, Brian Garrett, James Garifalos, John Flanagan, Jack Tatom, Robert Pier, Tom Johnson, David Kruth, Ron Peregrin, William Goodwin, Sequim.

Jim McLaughlin

Total contributions and loans: $7,715.

Cash contributions: $7,515.

Small contributions ($25 or less): $35.

Anonymous contributions: $0.

In-kind contributions: $0.

Loans: $0.

Expenditures: $6,809.

Debt: $0.


$3,000: James McLaughlin, Port Angeles.

$500: Walter Snelling, Norma Snelling, Sequim.

$300: Thomas Kelly, Sequim.

$280: Ali Holcombe Independent Gallery Guide, Port Townsend.

$200: Ruth Replogue, Port Angeles.

$150: William Tozier, Sarah Tozier, Sonia Chastain, Raymond T. Chastain, Nina Richards, Port Angeles; Therese Stokan, Neah Bay.

Department of Community Development Director

Julie Gardiner

Total contributions and loans: $$26,350.

Cash contributions: $9,546.

Small contributions ($25 or less): $20.

Anonymous contributions: $0.

In-kind contributions: $0.

Loans: $$16,804.

Expenditures: $13,334.

Debt: $0.


$6,886: Julie Gardiner, Sequim.

$500: Port Angeles Board of Realtors, Sequim Association of Realtors, Olympia.

$250: Rosalind R. Reichner, Fran Hulsman, Greg Hulsman, Sequim.

$200: William Littlejohn, Michael P. Shaw, Sequim.

$100: Gerald Grimes,, Sequim; Rodney Caldwell, Port Angeles.

Mary Ellen Winborn

Total contributions and loans: $16,854.

Cash contributions: $16,754.

Small contributions (individual, $25 or less): $100.

Anonymous contributions: $150.

Loans: $100.

In-kind contributions: $2,029.

Expenditures: $11,392.

Debt: $0.


$1,665: Mary Ellen Winborn, Port Angeles.

$1,000: Michael Maxwell, Barbara Maxwell, Port Angeles.

$979 (in-kind contribution): Mary Ellen Winborn, Port Angeles.

$500: Denise A. Bennett, Upper Elwha River Conservation Committee, Sandra J. Tatro, Seth Steinberg, Port Angeles; George R. Braly, Carlsborg.

$425: Robert Lynette, Sequim.

$400: Jack B. Ramberg, Port Angeles.

$351 (in-kind contribution): Camaraderie Cellars, Port Angeles.

$250: Linda Brown, Jacqueline Jackson, Linda DeBord, Mark Urnes, John C. Brewer, Port Angeles.

$200: Jerolyn Coen, Charles Whitney, Lynn Bedford, William L. Tozier, Joe B. Corn, Curry Winborn, Gail Spur, Marhorie Upham, Port Angeles; Kathryn Gross, Paul R. Kuntz, Sequim.

$150: N.E. Turner, David Allen, Charles W. Faires, Mary C. Hebert, Port Angeles.

$120: Ileana Haggerty, Lori Kennedy, Port Angeles.

$100: Carol Knebes, John R. Zey, Suzanne M. Corso, Sandee Coulter, Cynthia A. Cronin, Daniel E. Gase, David Shortess, Michael McCool, M.J. Vail, Helen R. Schaaf, Cindy Witham, Port Angeles; Ann M. Henninger, Carol Schaefer, Kenneth Berkes, William E. Black, Kendall F. Casey, Kristin Glenn, Carrol A. Hull, W.R. Greenwood, Sequim.

Clallam Public Utility District Commissioner District 1

Ted Simpson

Simpson chose the mini-reporting option for reporting his campaign finances.

Candidates who chose the option are not required to report contributions and expenditures to the state Public Disclosure Commission if no more than $500 is received from a single contributor.

Personal contributions from mini-reporting candidates are not limited to $500.

They must keep accurate, detailed records and make the records available for public inspection during the 10 days before the election.

James Waddell

Total contributions and loans: $9,662.

Cash contributions: $5,762.

Small contributions (individual $25 or less): $191.

Anonymous contributions: $0

In-kind contributions: $2,001.

Loans: $3,900.

Expenditures: $8,842.

Debt: $0.


$563: James M. Waddell, Port Angeles.

$500: Robert R. Vreeland, Port Angeles.

$350: Brian Grad, Sequim.

$300: Janet Marx, Port Angeles.

$290 (in-kind contribution): Therese Stokan, Neah Bay.

$250: Marie Grad, Robert Lynette, Sequim.

$200: Sam Woods, Sequim; Therese Stokan, Neah Bay.

$195: Richard A. Debusman, Carlsborg.

$194 (in-kind contribution): Ame Cochnauer, Port Angeles

$184 (in-kind contribution): Brian Grad, Sequim.

$173 (in-kind contribution): James F. Schuenemann, Sequim.

$150: James F. Schuenemann, Sequim.

$148 (in-kind contribution): Krestine Reed, Carlsborg.

$100: Cindy S. Kelly, James Waddell, Paul Forrest, Norma Turner, Port Angeles; Krestine, Reed, Carlsborg; Sam Woods, Sequim.

Clallam County District Court 2

Candidates John Black and Erik Rohrer chose the mini-reporting option for reporting their campaign finances.

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