AN UNMEDIATED ENCOUNTER: It’s what I hoped for on the whale-watching boat. Stepping aboard with a jumble of strangers, I wondered how close we might… Continue reading
OVER THE YEARS there have been many stories, legends and fables of lost treasures buried in the Olympic Peninsula. The most famous of which is… Continue reading
“I AM A woodland fellow, sir, that always loved a great fire.” How often I have remembered this line uttered by a clown in a… Continue reading
EIGHT DAYS TO go before the next Story Slam: a convergence of people telling and listening to true, personal tales. This slam thing is practiced… Continue reading
DEAR MR. NEW Guy, According to a recent press release you have been chosen as the new director of the state Department of Fish and… Continue reading
SARAH DECKER TOOK command of the microphone Sunday afternoon at the Quillayute Valley Scholarship Auction in the Forks High School Commons. Earlier in the weekend,… Continue reading
ALL OF YOU people who were complaining about the unseasonably nasty weather can knock it off at any time. Say what you want about a… Continue reading
THE PICTURE PALACE. It’s a place many of us have never seen. Esther Morgan-Ellis takes us there: on a time- and space-travel jaunt, to grand… Continue reading
I REMEMBER THAT first hint of springtime. It was long before the first skunk cabbage poked its garish head above the pond scum. It was… Continue reading
IT WAS ANOTHER tough week in the news. State wildlife officials have proposed eliminating 25 of the estimated 40 elk residing in Sequim because of… Continue reading
KEN CHOSE NOT to give me his last name. Ken qualifies as homeless, according to the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. Most could call him a… Continue reading
Gov. Jay Inslee’s veto of legislation that sought to exempt the state Legislature from the state’s Public Records Act shows the massive power of the… Continue reading
Editor’s Note: The correct phone number for the governor’s office is 360-902-4111. It shouldn’t be up to the state Legislature to make its own rules… Continue reading
EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is a roundup of editorials from regional news outlets urging Gov. Jay Inslee to veto Senate Bill 6617, which the state… Continue reading
SWEET, BITTER, SPICY: The fare at the local playhouse varies. It comes to us fresh, thanks to those working in the theatrical kitchen. This column… Continue reading
IT’S TIME TO stop the endless media barrage of negativity and celebrate what’s right with America. We should remember the words of that great American… Continue reading
JUST OVER A week ago, I was sitting with some friends and we were looking over our group of kids. They are all teens and… Continue reading
DO YOU BELIEVE in love at first sight? I’m certain that it happens all the time. All I know is what happened to me is… Continue reading
By Bob Schroeter ON TUESDAY, VOTERS within the Port Angeles School District face an important vote at a critical crossroads. With Proposition 1 before those… Continue reading
THIS KID JUNIOR is one of the great heroes of literature. Near the close of Sherman Alexie’s novel, “The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time… Continue reading