PAT NEAL: You can’t go crabbing in a tidal wave

THANK YOU FOR reading this. Sometimes I think if you didn’t read this no one would. But you do. I know that because of all… Continue reading

WEST END NEIGHBOR: Still a bumpy path to jobs’ completion in Forks

WEST END NEIGHBOR: Still a bumpy path to jobs’ completion in Forks

WHEN SOMEBODY SAYS “the best laid plans” and leaves the words to hang in the air like smoke, they are generally not describing a successful… Continue reading

WEST END NEIGHBOR: Still a bumpy path to jobs’ completion in Forks

PAT NEAL: The coming subduction event

IT WAS ANOTHER tough week in the news. The state Department of Natural Resources just came out with the latest version of its Tsunami Inundation… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: Up in smoke

THOSE WHO IGNORE history are doomed to watch television. This enduring truth is nowhere more evident than the current notion that the smoke from wildfires… Continue reading

WEST END NEIGHBOR: It’s not just the park — it’s the people

LOOKING DOWN AT the ladder of the avalanche chute, it appeared the wood rungs hadn’t been maintained since I last faced this obstacle eight years… Continue reading

DIANE URBANI DE LA PAZ: A fresh look, in full color

IT HAPPENS WHEN least expected. A single still image beams me back to a place, a feeling. We look at scores of pictures in the… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: The orca task force not to the rescue

THE VISCERAL SPECTACLE of the mother orca carrying her dead baby for 17 days and the emaciated female orca that might or might not be… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: There are no do-overs with the orcas

IT WAS ANOTHER tough week in the news. It’s bad enough enduring endless images of war, pestilence and medieval corruption in a modern setting but… Continue reading

DIANE URBANI DE LA PAZ: Live music dips toes into the crick

DIANE URBANI DE LA PAZ: Live music dips toes into the crick

THE LAST FULL month of summer has come. Is there any way for us grownups to get back that feeling, that barefoot, splash-in-the-crick all day… Continue reading

DIANE URBANI DE LA PAZ: Live music dips toes into the crick

PAT NEAL: Stages of a Sasquatch sighting

THE OLYMPIC PENINSULA’S first Sasquatch Symposium, held last November at Studio Bob in Port Angeles, resulted in an outpouring of Sasquatch sighting reports from people… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: Top tourist questions

AS GOODWILL AMBASSADORS of the tourist industry, it is our civic duty to share our precious local knowledge of the Olympic Peninsula with our foreign… Continue reading

WEST END NEIGHBOR: Neighbors who help with the worst jobs

WEST END NEIGHBOR: Neighbors who help with the worst jobs

LAST WEEK I found myself at the bottom of a grave I was finishing up. It’s the third hole of this size I have dug… Continue reading

WEST END NEIGHBOR: Neighbors who help with the worst jobs

DIANE URBANI DE LA PAZ: Writing heroes with auras

I AWAITED MY heroes. For years I’ve hung on their words in novels such as “Into the Beautiful North;” in an essay on the New… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: Salmonberry deserving of honor

THERE’S NOTHING QUITE like the first salmonberry of the year. It is a juicy mix of sweet and sour with a wild taste that can’t… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: The horse fly menace

THIS IS A story about wilderness survival, told in hopes it will provide inspiration to others. I remember it like it was yesterday, because it… Continue reading

DIANE URBANI DE LA PAZ: Voices, stomps and grace

DIANE URBANI DE LA PAZ: Voices, stomps and grace

I’M LOOKING FOR hope and energy, some way to keep my spirits up amid the news cycle. I found it at Fort Worden State Park… Continue reading

DIANE URBANI DE LA PAZ: Voices, stomps and grace

PAT NEAL: Olympic tourist troubles

WHETHER IT IS an effect of climate change, the economy or the Fourth of July, it’s become apparent that we are in the middle of… Continue reading

OUR VIEW: Newsprint tariffs hard on community newspapers

Roger Branigin, 1962 One wonders if Branigin, an attorney who three years… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: Sympathy to new state Department of Fish and Wildlife director

DEAR MR. KELLY SUSEWIND: Allow me to express my deepest sympathy. It is hard to imagine the tragedy of a situation that would cause a… Continue reading

WEST END NEIGHBOR: Sarge’s Place Farmstand celebrates new growth

WEST END NEIGHBOR: Sarge’s Place Farmstand celebrates new growth

JAY BAKER OF Sarge’s Place joked, “The military issued me two dog tags, one said B positive and the other said B negative.” He was… Continue reading

WEST END NEIGHBOR: Sarge’s Place Farmstand celebrates new growth