LETTER: Name-calling has no place in civilized discourse

As grownups, we’re meant to demonstrate that we don’t have to revert to coarse language.

The Aug. 19 Peninsula Voices letter titled “‘Corrupt’ Hillary” contained the following derogatory names and accusations: corrupt, incompetent, political hack, complete phony, volatile and unstable.

The letter writer also stated that there is “legitimate concern about her health, both mentally and physically.”

The letter goes on to extol the virtues of her opponent.

I will resist the urge to say anything negative about Donald Trump because my letter is not about that.

It is about all the name-calling and mud-slinging, mostly coming from the right-wing side.

While growing up, many of us called our peers names.

As so-called grownups, we are supposed to possess enough words in our vocabulary to express ourselves intelligently.

Until the Republicans start demonstrating that capacity, we will most likely have to endure four more years of Democratic Party leadership.

Nicholas Parry,


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