Daily Update Newsletter

Harpist Megan Ward featured artist at weekend concerts in Port Angeles, Sequim

Harpist Megan Ward featured artist at weekend concerts in Port Angeles, Sequim

Port Angeles Chamber Orchestra, an ensemble within the Port Angeles Symphony, kicks off its series of three pairs of concerts this weekend.

Harpist Megan Ward featured artist at weekend concerts in Port Angeles, Sequim
This Way to the Egress … exploring mortality through dance in Port Angeles

This Way to the Egress … exploring mortality through dance in Port Angeles

Dance troupe LED of Boise, Idaho, will explore multiple themes during its performance Saturday night.

This Way to the Egress … exploring mortality through dance in Port Angeles
North Olympic model railroaders set show for Sequim Grange Saturday and Sunday
North Olympic model railroaders set show for Sequim Grange Saturday and Sunday
U.S. Rep. Derek Kilmer and his challenger, Todd Bloom, differ on climate change, president at forum

U.S. Rep. Derek Kilmer and his challenger, Todd Bloom, differ on climate change, president at forum

The incumbent Democrat and his Republican opponent debated Clinton and Trump, as well as trade.

U.S. Rep. Derek Kilmer and his challenger, Todd Bloom, differ on climate change, president at forum

Weekday storm could affect West End most

Forks, Quileute and other coastal areas could expect 40-to-45 mph sustained winds with gusts as high as 65 mph from the first storm.

Department of Natural Resources reschedules public meeting to Tuesday on expansions of two conservation areas

The proposal would expand the boundaries of the Devils Lake and Dabob Bay conservation areas in Jefferson County.

Cedar sidewalk paves the way to history in Port Angeles

Cedar sidewalk paves the way to history in Port Angeles

The addition will be unveiled along with haunted underground tours starting today.

Cedar sidewalk paves the way to history in Port Angeles

First of two storms expected to hit Peninsula on Thursday night

Forecasters predict the second storm could be one of the strongest in Pacific Northwest history.

City of Sequim to see key retirements in 2017

Several positions are shifting duties through budget planning.

Mark Burrowes, co-owner of Bell Creek Village, a 77-plus acre property along Sequim Avenue, said he’s auctioning off the property for personal reasons but he’s optimistic a sale will go through. “It’s a great piece of property,” he said. “Whoever comes in, I’m sure will be a good fit for Sequim.” (Realty Marketing Northwest)

Property formerly linked to Fred Meyer development goes to auction

The owners of the Bell Creek Village property are selling 77-plus acres by U.S. Highway 101.

Mark Burrowes, co-owner of Bell Creek Village, a 77-plus acre property along Sequim Avenue, said he’s auctioning off the property for personal reasons but he’s optimistic a sale will go through. “It’s a great piece of property,” he said. “Whoever comes in, I’m sure will be a good fit for Sequim.” (Realty Marketing Northwest)
OUTDOORS: State confirms Dungeness River will open to hatchery coho retention Sunday

OUTDOORS: State confirms Dungeness River will open to hatchery coho retention Sunday

Still waiting on potential Sol Duc River coho opening

OUTDOORS: State confirms Dungeness River will open to hatchery coho retention Sunday

Weather forecasters predicting stormy weather for Peninsula starting Wednesday

Officials say the first of two strong Pacific storm systems is expected to approach the area this evening with impacts on Thursday.

Chimacum Grange to host forum tonight for Jefferson County Public Utility District hopefuls

Chimacum Grange to host forum tonight for Jefferson County Public Utility District hopefuls

Another voter forum, this one Thursday in Port Townsend, will focus on ballot initiatives.

Chimacum Grange to host forum tonight for Jefferson County Public Utility District hopefuls

Funding renewed for Clallam County Marine Resources Committee

The three county commissioners Tuesday approved a state grant to fund the committee’s restoration, conservation and education projects.

Jerry Harvey Hyasman

Volunteers continue to search for missing Quinault elder

Jerry Harvey Hyasman, also known as Jerry Pies, was last seen Oct. 4 near Copalis Crossing in Grays Harbor County.

Jerry Harvey Hyasman
Clallam County sets hearings about Carlsborg Urban Growth Area zoning changes

Clallam County sets hearings about Carlsborg Urban Growth Area zoning changes

The proposed updates, to be presented this Thursday and Oct. 19, focus on goals, policies, development standards and infrastructure planning.

Clallam County sets hearings about Carlsborg Urban Growth Area zoning changes
Clallam County Sheriff’s Department seeks help in identifying burglary suspect

Clallam County Sheriff’s Department seeks help in identifying burglary suspect

The male suspect was caught on camera burglarizing Olympic Cellars Winery east of Port Angeles.

Clallam County Sheriff’s Department seeks help in identifying burglary suspect
VOLLEYBALL: Chimacum beats Crescent 3-1

VOLLEYBALL: Chimacum beats Crescent 3-1

Second win of season for Cowboys spikers.

VOLLEYBALL: Chimacum beats Crescent 3-1
Quilcene residents air grievances with Port of Port Townsend

Quilcene residents air grievances with Port of Port Townsend

Herb Beck Marina at core of complaints following port budget discussions.

Quilcene residents air grievances with Port of Port Townsend